Photography is not so much a nice gift as it is an eternal reminder of you, especially if you are apart. And the right words will not only create an integral image, but also warm the soul when you are not around.

Step 1
First, choose a suitable photo. First of all, you should like it yourself, and at the same time, your boyfriend should have pleasant memories associated with this photo. Your smile, playful eyes, captured on it, should cheer him up and delight the eye every day.
Step 2
Now think about what you want to write. Do not use banal phrases, cliches and clichés. If nothing comes to mind right away, then turn on your imagination. Remember the pleasant moments from your life together, watch your favorite movie, listen to the music that you associate with it. Write down all the emotions that have arisen on a separate sheet, and from the received choose the appropriate one.
Step 3
If nothing perfect comes to mind, then use phrases from films, novels, poetry. The main thing is that they fit the meaning and are understandable only for the two of you.
Step 4
Choose a suitable font for your photo. If the photo is a romantic plan, then the inscription can be decorated with vignettes, hearts, and made in pastel colors. If the photo is mischievous and funny, then it can be decorated with various elements. For example, small figures or a picture of your favorite objects: rollers, a camera, ice cream, ribbons. And the inscription itself is cut out of colored paper or made in the style of graffiti.
Step 5
And now we need to start choosing a frame. If both he and you are high-tech lovers, you can purchase an electronic photo frame. Then the need for photography will disappear. It will be possible to download the file, and start up the inscription as a creeping line. There are many different frames: wooden, forged metal with curls, ceramic, plastic, and you can definitely choose one with which you will create a complete single image. It will be possible to put it on a table, shelf, hang on the wall and admire it in your free minutes from work.