At the beginning of family life, love relationships do not require heating. The newlyweds can't wait to get to bed. But after two or three years, when passions weaken, children and everyday problems appear, high-quality sexual relations require some preparation.

Dance for a beloved husband, or what a woman is capable of
Home striptease is a great way to diversify your sex life. But it requires serious preparation. And not only because professional strippers know special movements, have good stretch and strong muscles. Dancers and dancers perform in clubs, on stage, where a certain setting is created. And you have to do an erotic dance at home. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude the sudden intrusion of other family members into the bedroom. Take the children to their grandmother, send older relatives to the dacha or the theater, turn off the phone and lock the doors. Only by feeling completely isolated can you relax and overcome your embarrassment.
In home striptease, the main thing is attitude. It doesn't matter that you do not sit on the splits and do not reach your ear with your heel. Try to express love, tenderness, passion in the dance. Move in such a way as to arouse your husband's sexual desire. Who knows better than you which part of your body turns on your partner the most. Try to dance to focus on it, beckon, tease, but do not immediately fall into the arms. No professional stripper can turn your husband on as you know his weaknesses.
You should not immediately try to sit on the splits or bend strongly back in the lower back. These movements can stretch the muscles and require serious training.
The correct striptease at home - where to start
If everything is roughly clear with the creation of an appropriate environment - children and relatives are driven out of the house, the room is twilight, the candles are burning, the champagne is cooling, then difficulties may arise with the start of the striptease. It is better to warn your spouse about the surprise in advance so that he, taking advantage of the silence and twilight, does not fall asleep.
Sit your loved one on the sofa, turn on light music, offer a glass of champagne and a light seafood salad. While the partner is enjoying and saturating the body with protein, which is so useful in intimate moments, change into beautiful underwear in another room, put on stockings, a negligee and go out to your husband.
To prevent your husband from starting active actions ahead of time, warn him that you will tie him to the sofa. Let him first get visual satisfaction, and then - physical.
Walk up to him, stroke and kiss on the cheek. The first touch is very important. The male psyche is quite vulnerable, and the transformation of a quiet domestic cat into a sexy panther can inflict a tangible blow on her. Therefore, let your beloved immediately feel your warmth, let him remember that you are you, and not someone else's aunt, from whom you do not know what to expect.
Remember that the peak of female sexuality comes when there are no misunderstandings between partners. Therefore, during the dance, ask your husband if he likes everything, or should he slow down or speed up the pace. These questions will be needed only during the first striptease, then you will learn to evoke a wild desire in your beloved man with just one movement of your shoulders or hips.