The sliding float is the main piece of equipment that is indispensable for long-range fishing. This type of tackle is necessary if you want to teach your child how to cast a fishing rod far.

At an early age, children love competition. It is very difficult to find something that will be interesting for both the kid and the adult. Fishing is an activity that will appeal to both. Fishing rods, tackle and bait will not bring any special costs. But on the other hand, the child will receive a storm of emotions when fishing.
The choice of gear is a responsible business. It is unlikely that a child will be interested in catching near the shore. That is why you need to teach him to cast the rod as far as possible. For this, so-called sliding floats must be used. This type of tackle is convenient because you can fish at great depths. As you know, large fish live on the bottom. Therefore, you need to use two stops for the float (one at the bottom, the other at the top) and a very remarkable color antenna (it should be visible at long distances).
Blind rig (without stoppers) shortens the casting distance. And the sliding float allows you to fish at great depths away from the coast. You can increase or decrease the distance of the stoppers from the hook at any time. Thus, by changing the depth, it is easy to determine how many meters to the bottom. In this case, the antenna of the float should be perpendicularly immersed in water (if it is tilted to the side, or even fell into the water, then the hook is on the ground, the distance of the stoppers must be reduced).
A self-loaded sliding float should have a mass of 3-3.5 grams. This is necessary so that the antenna does not swing from side to side during gusts of wind, and you do not think every time that a bite has begun. It is also worth noting that when choosing weights, it is best to use either one flat, rather weighty, or several round ones that are declining. When casting the tackle, the float should sink to a decent depth into the water. Its antenna should be colored with stripes so that in the glare of the sun you can immediately see when the bite begins.
When fishing with a fishing rod on a sliding float at long distances, the cast is the same as when fishing with a spinning rod: a lateral cast to the right (left) or a cast from behind. At short distances, it is more convenient to cast from under the arm.
The main mistake of novice fishermen, especially children, is that during long casting of the tackle, when you start hooking and pulling the catch, the upper knee of the fishing rod bends quite a lot. Because of this, there is a certain lack of confidence in the actions. Do not be afraid that the rod will break. Its flexible properties are designed for a pretty decent weight.