Recently, the relationship with your partner went wrong, you quarrel a lot and do not understand why this is happening. Maybe this is due to the fact that you are being cheated on?

Step 1
If you are confident that you need to get to the bottom of the truth at any cost, find out if your spouse is cheating on you, then perhaps the most reliable way is to hire a detective specializing in this kind of activity. The professional will carry out all the necessary activities and provide evidence of the presence or absence of treason. Just what will you do with this truth?
Step 2
If, for some reason, it is not possible to deal so specifically with the issues of the personal life of your second half, or there are simply suspicions, then first try to collect circumstantial evidence. Analyze the situation and then, having drawn conclusions, take the following steps.
You can deduce some common indirect signs of treason, characteristic of both sexes. Both men and women, falling in love, change some habits: in the choice of clothes, in the manner of dressing. They suddenly begin to pay close attention to their appearance, go to the gym, or try to tidy up their figure in other ways. It is clear that these changes cannot 100% indicate that your partner is unfaithful to you. But still…
Step 3
He / she has changed behavior when communicating on the phone or when using other means of communication. When you try to approach the computer monitor during a spouse's correspondence, he (she) quickly closes the dialog box and gets angry, saying that you are interfering with him (her). And when the phone rings, he (she) prefers to communicate by leaving the room.
Step 4
Pay attention to the attitude towards you personally, how much and how dramatically it has changed. This recommendation is more for women: if your food used to satisfy your spouse's culinary tastes, now he is dissatisfied with your cooking or even aggressively comments on your manner of dressing, behaving in public, and so on. That is, there is a strange feeling that he is looking at you with different eyes, or that there is someone with whom to compare. In principle, about the same kind of criticism in relation to the husband's household duties can arise from a traitor, she can involuntarily compare her husband with her lover, which will irritate her husband's behavior.
Step 5
A reason to think about it is late returns from work or out of the blue urgent things at work on the weekends. Maybe in fact the husband (wife) decided to earn some money or the work schedule requires, why not?
Step 6
This behavior is sometimes inherent in unfaithful men. If your husband began to give you flowers, small or expensive gifts, which were not noticed before, then this can be a kind of way to make amends. Although, again, there may be such an option: the husband began to earn more and just wanted to please you by presenting surprises.
Step 7
If this circumstantial evidence is present in the behavior of a spouse (wife) all at once, then it probably makes sense to calmly and reasonably talk with a partner and directly ask him if he is cheating. If in this way you manage to catch your husband (wife) of treason, will it bring you satisfaction?