Some girls are faced with such an unpleasant situation: the relationship with a guy, until recently cloudless, suddenly began to deteriorate. Misunderstandings, disputes, claims, literally out of the blue. The girl is confused: why is this happening? And the thought involuntarily creeps in: he has stopped loving her, he has another. And on what grounds can a guy be caught in treason?

Step 1
Men in everyday life, as a rule, are much more conservative than women, less inclined to change established habits, to experiment. Therefore, be wary if he suddenly began to follow his style, appearance, although he did not attach much importance to this before, he independently updated his wardrobe, acquired new eau de parfum, although he had not used it for a long time.
Step 2
Be vigilant if during a phone call he gets up and goes to another room and does this whenever you are around. Or he stopped leaving his laptop open for a while. Or, perhaps, he even put a password on the computer, but did not tell you it.
Step 3
Pay attention to his behavior if he suddenly began to give up intimacy, saying at the same time: “Not now, I'm not in the mood, I'm tired. Sorry, I don't want to. Although he used to be a passionate and excellent lover and did not suffer from a decrease in libido.
Step 4
Also, you can be wary when some new friends appear, with whom he is in no hurry to introduce you. Or if he began to often travel on business trips, stay late at work, or visit his grandmother who lives on the other side of the city, or help his mother with repairs, that is, he often began to be absent from home. And when explaining the reason for the absence, he gets confused, speaks out of place, does not look you in the eye.
Step 5
Take a closer look at your beloved, and in the event that he has become less gentle with you, he rarely kisses, almost does not say affectionate words. And sometimes it even insists that you are capricious, sloppy, and your cooking causes heartburn. With a 99% probability, he has a “object for comparison”. And this comparison is by no means in your favor.