Getting To Camp: Things That Are Often Forgotten

Getting To Camp: Things That Are Often Forgotten
Getting To Camp: Things That Are Often Forgotten

Before the start of the shift in the children's camp, parents and children collect things and check if they have missed anything. Everything seems to be in place, you can button your suitcase. However, upon arrival at the camp, the child is faced with everyday inconveniences, because many parents do not remember the little things that help to cope with temporary difficulties.

Getting to camp: things that are often forgotten
Getting to camp: things that are often forgotten

White and black T-shirts

Better monochromatic. They come in handy for performances when the whole squad needs to dress the same. In addition, these are basic things that can be worn with anything.

Dry shampoo

In the camps, there is often no opportunity to wash every day. Some girls' hair gets dirty quickly, so it's a good idea to have dry shampoo with you. By the way, it does not leave a pungent smell, like varnish or mosquito repellents (more on them later).



The room can have a single socket for ten people. Over the place at the outlet, disputes flare up among the children, no matter how strange it may sound. For convenience, take an extension cord with you, but it is better to talk about its use with the counselor or educator of the squad. After all, most often the guys give to charge their mobile phones in the counselor's room.

Power bank

In other words, a wireless charger. If even the extension cord does not help, it is worth taking the Power Bank to the camp. The child should remember that the camp administration is not responsible for the lost devices, so you need to properly monitor them.



To keep yourself busy at sleep or just in free time. Better not to take books from your summer bibliography. Indeed, in order to read them, and even more so to remember, you need to concentrate on reading, which is unlikely to work in the camp. So let the child choose an interesting book to immerse himself in.

Mosquito repellent (do not spray

First, repellents can be removed. Secondly, others may be allergic to strong odors. Therefore, choose a cream or an insect repellent bracelet for your trip. As a last resort, go outside away from the case and spray the agent there. It is also worth taking an ointment to relieve itching after bites.


Wet wipes

A child is unlikely to manage with one pack of 15 pieces. Napkins are suitable for personal hygiene, and wipe dirty hands and get rid of stains. It is advisable to put in a suitcase several small packs or one large one. This also includes paper handkerchiefs.


The importance of stationery in kids camp is invaluable. Usually it is given out anyway, but it is better to bring your own (and not let anyone use it without the knowledge of the owner!).



The housings usually contain coolers and disposable cups. The problem is that new glasses may not be placed for a long time. And if the child has a plastic (not disposable) glass with him, then the opportunity to drink will always be.


If there is no trash can in the room, you have to go to the hall / to the toilet every time and throw the trash there. The bag can be tied to the doorknob or simply placed in the corner of the room to simulate a trash can. The bags are also needed to put shoes and dirty laundry in the bag.

Thanks to these seemingly insignificant things, the rest in the children's camp will become much more comfortable. The main thing is not to overdo it and not pack a mountain of unnecessary things into your bag.
