Many different books have been written about the rules of good manners. We all want to be polite, well-mannered people, not to get confused and not be trapped in different situations. It is very important to learn how to get to know each other correctly and beautifully and introduce your guests to each other. The ability to introduce yourself correctly, as well as to introduce people at a party, dinner party or an important business meeting, will help expand the circle of acquaintances, both in personal life and in a professional environment.

Step 1
Here are the basic rules of acquaintance in society for everyone who wants to make a favorable impression on others and win them over. The first to introduce the elders to the younger ones, men to women, giving the full name and surname of those represented, their position or profession, and only then they name those to whom they are introduced.
Step 2
Usually, a man is introduced to a woman, but if she is very interested in someone, then you can ask a mutual friend to introduce them. If a guest comes to your party, whom only a part of the invitees already knows, it would be good form to introduce this person and the rest of the guests who are not yet familiar with him.
If you represent a person with a scientific degree, in addition to the name and surname, you should also mention it, the person will be pleased.
Step 3
When introducing a family, it is enough to name the names of the husband and wife, and their children, regardless of age, are called only by their first name. If you are late for the holiday, it would be right to first greet the hosts, apologize, and only then go to the rest of the guests.
Step 4
After people are introduced to each other, they say, as a rule, the following words: "Hello, very nice to meet you" or "Good evening, glad to meet you."
At a party or an informal meeting, it will be useful when meeting to mention your interests or talk about a hobby, which can become a topic for an interesting conversation. When communicating in a work setting, a new acquaintance can help in career advancement.
Step 5
When meeting, you do not need to shake hands hard A man is the first to give a hand to a woman if he is much older than her in age. A woman, on the other hand, can offer her hand in a glove when meeting.