A pregnant woman wants her baby to be born in the most comfortable conditions. Therefore, responsible expectant mothers begin to choose a maternity hospital in advance, studying reviews on the Internet and meeting with doctors.

Choosing a maternity hospital: what is the priority
Young inexperienced expectant mothers think that the main thing in a maternity hospital is a separate ward and delicious food. It is important, but even more important to pay attention to the composition of the doctors who deliver the baby. It depends on the obstetrician-gynecologist, nurse and anesthesiologist how easily and quickly you will cope with the birth of a baby. Therefore, first of all, you need to choose doctors, not a maternity hospital.
If you are scheduled for a cesarean section according to indications, you will need to arrive at the hospital by a certain date. Most often, doctors prescribe an operation a week and a half earlier than the expected date of birth.
In second place is the medical equipment of the maternity ward and the children's ward. You need to ask in advance by looking at the information on the official website of the maternity hospital, whether there is a children's intensive care unit, modern boxes for nursing babies, etc.
In third place in importance are the wards for women in labor and their equipment. The main thing here is not a TV, but modern comfortable beds. Because the mother and child spend most of their time on them. Better if they are wide enough and elastic. In addition, it will be more comfortable for a woman in labor and a baby if the shower and toilet are individual, or for using a small block of two rooms. Then there will be no queue for the toilet and the bathroom, no need to worry about the hygiene of the room, etc.
The canteen in maternity hospitals usually does not please with the sophistication of food. But everything that is needed for good nutrition is there - milk porridge in the morning, soup and the second for lunch, cereals with meat or fish for dinner. This is enough to hold out for five to ten days in the hospital, and then go to your favorite kitchen, cook delicacies.
Prepare bags with things for the hospital in advance. Sign them so that you know which one to take with you right away, which one to bring to the hospital, and which one to leave for discharge.
When to choose a maternity hospital
It is better to start choosing a maternity hospital even before pregnancy. First, you will have enough time to consider all the proposals. Secondly, you can decide whether you want to give birth for a fee or not. If the first - you can conclude in advance a contract for the management of pregnancy. Then the specialists of the maternity hospital will be able to get to know you before giving birth, will monitor your condition and the health of the baby and will be able to take the most responsible approach to the birth of the baby.
With free births, you can also get to know the doctors in advance. Nowadays, many maternity hospitals organize consultations with working obstetricians and gynecologists. You can contact them and ask all your questions.