If you remember the children who went to school twenty years ago, the image of neat boys and smart girls in school uniforms will pop up in your head. If you look at today's schoolchildren, you can see a completely different picture. These children look much older than their age. They grow up very quickly and often become familiar with sex life at school.

The reason for early sexuality
Psychologists say that often children who lack parental love begin early sexual relations. Parents devote all their time to work, and children are under the supervision of relatives. Children from very wealthy families often try early sex. The child goes to a prestigious school, is dressed in expensive branded clothes, has a computer, laptop, telephone and other modern means of communication, in general - excellent living conditions. Why do girls from decent families start having sex so early? The fact is that parents, earning money, completely forget about their child, so he begins to compensate for the missing love through romantic relationships with more mature men. Or a mother who brings her boyfriends home after a divorce can set an example. The daughter begins to think that changing partners often is quite normal.
What is the danger of early sexuality?
Young girls, although small, are far from stupid and are often very beautiful. They combine childhood with adulthood in order to seem like a formed woman, but with still a childish face and their inherent naivety. Of course, they tell their friends about their sexual exploits, for whom they are idols, and they, in turn, are madly jealous of them. What is the danger of early sexuality? In addition to pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, the girl forms wrong views on life and relationships in general. She dreams of staying forever such a mischievous, small, and at the same time a serious girl-woman. While her friends grow up, become real women, the so-called Lolita continues to be in her childhood. Indeed, this is her charm, this is how many men liked her so much.
What should parents do with early sexuality of children?
In order to prevent early sexuality of their children, parents must provide their child with love, otherwise he will go looking for it on the side. If a child loses interest in learning, and, on the contrary, intensifies, becomes uninhibited in behavior in adolescence to the opposite sex, know that these are the first symptoms of early sexuality. At this age, a teenager has very unstable interests and authorities. Take advantage of this, and instead of scolding, get him interested in something new. Remember that a teenager is easy enough not only to bad influence, but also to good. Become an authority for your child.