The uniqueness of the Internet is not only that it is an accessible source of any information. The Internet is a method of fighting boredom, a remedy for loneliness. In addition, the Internet meets the needs of people to learn and provide interpersonal skills. What is interesting and emotional - fascinates at any age.

The attractiveness of the Internet is so diverse and multifaceted that there is a real danger of falling into a psychological dependence on the limitless pastime on the Internet. This problem is especially common among adolescents. When alone, without the help of outsiders, there is no way to cope with this problem.
There are factors that can affect the inadequate perception of the information received. A teenager under the influence of a senseless desire to “be online” does not create anything useful and acts only to his own detriment, losing track of time. Such factors can be called psychological traps, their occurrence depends on many reasons.
First of all, those people who experience a lack of communication in the society around them fall into a state of dependence. As a result, they tend to communicate online. After all, there you can find many people who will be able to listen. An illusion arises that a person is not alone. It is in this case that it is easy to turn from the real world to the virtual world, because you can express yourself in it.
Everyone wants to appear good and interesting. This becomes quite possible with a virtual acquaintance. After all, there is no need to work on building reliable and trusting relationships, you can easily demonstrate only positive thoughts, showing only your best sides. In addition, there is always an opportunity to find another - a new interlocutor, so there is no fear of losing a virtual relationship. A closed space appears, filled only with artificial and empty relationships.
Very often adolescents in the network try on the roles of people of a different age, of a different gender. This opportunity - to live a fun, mysterious and emotional life - is interesting and can develop the personality of the teenager. But, on the other hand, the child runs the risk of playing too much, having lost the individual characteristics of his personality.
Another problem is that when communicating online, people tend to come up with an image of their interlocutor. Being captured by the illusion of an invented image, a real meeting with this person can lead to disappointment. As a result, the inconsistency with reality makes us not transfer virtual relationships into real life. A teenager deliberately chooses his own world for himself - the world of the Internet, leaving for this fantasy world and erasing the boundaries with the real world.