Hemangioma in newborns is a benign tumor. When it appears, you must immediately seek help from doctors, since it can lead to irreparable consequences. Depending on the type, it can appear on the skin of a newborn or on a separate organ.

A benign vascular tumor is found in almost 10% of children. Until now, dermatologists argue about the reasons that contribute to its formation and growth. It usually appears on the surface of the skin and slowly begins to grow deeper. If it is located near the organs, then gradually as it grows, it can disrupt their work. It looks like a cherry or red bump. When pressed, the stain brightens, then becomes the same color as before.
Why is hemangioma dangerous?
First of all, this formation requires constant monitoring for the reason that it can eventually develop into a malignant tumor. If you injure a hemangioma, then bleeding may occur, thrombophlebitis will appear. If bleeding has begun, then, as a rule, it can be very difficult to stop it without the help of a doctor. In 85% of cases, bleeding is fatal. Note that by itself, such a tumor almost never ruptures. In newborns, there is a risk of damage even to the diaper tissue. Also, in the absence of care for the neoplasm, infection of the damaged area can occur.
Education can always remain approximately the same size. If there is a tendency to increase it, then its size can be very impressive and begin to cause discomfort and pain.
When the tumor grows, the following problems may appear:
- labored breathing;
- visual impairment;
- disruption of the entire circulatory system.
Sometimes hemangioma manifests itself on certain organs, for example, on the liver. Girls are more prone to the appearance of such a vascular tumor. Usually the disease is discovered by chance, because it does not cause any discomfort.
Monitoring hemangioma in a newborn and prognosis
If a tumor is found in a newborn, it is mandatory to visit a doctor once every 3 weeks. If the neoplasm
stopped growing - once every few months.
It should be noted that usually the size of the hemangioma increases only during the first month of the child's life, then its growth stops. If there is no indication for urgent removal, then by about the age of five it should completely disappear.
At the same time, some doctors suggest not to delay, but to immediately carry out an operation to remove it. It is believed that at a young age, children recover faster after surgery.