A man who accidentally or not accidentally admitted the fact of infidelity is, unfortunately, not such a rare phenomenon. In most cases, they will try to hide this fact from the legal spouse.

A man can hide treason from his wife for various reasons. This event can be unintentional, one-time, and a man in such a situation is simply ashamed of his behavior. He is not going to do this again, and he does not want to upset his wife with such information either. It also happens that the husband regularly meets "on the side" with another woman. Accordingly, the reaction of the wife if she finds out about the adventures hidden by her husband may be different - depending on the circumstances in a particular family.
Possible reasons for cheating
Basically, a man can admit treason if his legal spouse in some way does not suit him. For example, he would like something different from an intimate relationship, but his wife categorically disagrees. There are other reasons - the wife is sick, pregnant, away, in general, the man simply does not have the opportunity to fully live an intimate life. Finally, cheating can happen by accident.
The reasons for cheating can be different, as well as the attitude of the representatives of the stronger sex towards them. Only those men who are trying to leave the family will flaunt such an event. In this way, they want to provoke the wife into a scandal and a final breakup.
Reasons why men hide cheating
If a man values his relationship with his wife, he will certainly try to hide the fact of betrayal for as long as possible. In such unions, infidelity most often happens by accident, and the man does not want to destroy self-confidence because of momentary stupidity. If spouses value each other, they try not to hurt their other half. So they manage to maintain the same atmosphere of trust, and this is most often the basis of marital relations, and it is extremely reckless to lose them just because they do not have enough dexterity to keep their mouths shut.
Some wives are well aware of the double life of the second half, but they prefer to turn a blind eye to this, especially if the spouse is not going to leave the family. Such husbands may for a long time not suspect that the wife knows everything, and carefully take all precautions.
There are other reasons why men choose to hide their adventures from their wife. This can be, for example, when in a situation of discord in relations the spouse loses a lot in material terms. In any case, if a man does not want to admit to his wife of the fact of infidelity, he will do everything possible for this.