There is hardly a child who in childhood did not believe in Grandfather Frost. Belief in him plays a special role in the formation of a child's personality from the point of view of psychology. After all, acquaintance with him occurs at about the age when the baby realizes that his world is not only parents and family walls. For crumbs, Santa Claus is a kind hero who is associated only with a fairy tale and gifts. But there are times when a baby is literally horrified by a bearded old man. Why is a child afraid of Santa Claus, how not to ruin the New Year and make a meeting with a kind wizard memorable and fabulous?

At what age to invite Santa Claus
Up to 2 years old acquaintance with the good Grandfather Frost can be postponed. At this age, the child may not understand who it is, which will lead to fright. Even a bag of gifts will not save the situation - the crumb is still too small to meet a stranger, albeit a fabulous character.
From 2, 5 to 3, 5 years old children, seeing Santa Claus, react differently. Someone rejoices and calmly sits down on their grandfather's lap to tell a rhyme or sing a song, and someone starts crying and hiding behind their mother. Therefore, due to the difference in temperaments, this age is also not considered the best for meeting the main grandfather.
But 3-3, 5 years is the time when mass entertainers can no longer be afraid. Children are quite ready for new contacts with a character unknown to them. Of course, you first need to tell the kid about who Santa Claus is, why he comes, why the kids are looking forward to him.
At the age of 4 to 5 years, all children not only know who Santa Claus is, but also wait for him with great impatience to receive a long-awaited gift. Poems and songs have already been learned, it remains only to meet a character from a fairy tale.
How to choose Santa Claus for a child
Even the most talented dad is not suitable for this responsible role. Children can "see through" it, and the holiday and the anticipation of gifts will turn into disappointment and resentment. Relatives and acquaintances are also not the best options. Perhaps the child does not recognize them under suits and a beard, but in the event of an unforeseen situation, invited friends may get confused and inadvertently give themselves away. Santa Claus, who has come to visit children for years, is ready for almost anything and he will not fail the holiday.
When contacting the agency for Santa Claus and Snegurochka, parents should tell as much as possible about the features of their baby so that the magical meeting goes as smoothly as possible. What if the baby doesn't like tactile contacts, but the guest wants to take him in his arms? Or active games are contraindicated for the baby due to poor health? All this must be foreseen.
By the way, Santa Claus does not have to come on December 31, so as not to ruin the parents. For children, New Year is a loose concept, so a guest can be invited on any of the days, from December 20 to January 10.
How to meet Santa Claus at home
The fairy-tale character should be a surprise not only for the kid, but also for the parents. Therefore, try to express your sincere surprise at the sight of the long-awaited guest.
The child should communicate with Santa Claus in the way that is convenient and comfortable for him. He can stand next to him, or he can climb to his knees. Even if a rhyme or song was learned in advance, and the baby refuses to tell them directly at the meeting, there is no need to force him. This is exclusively a holiday for the kid, and if he is not ready to recite poetry, there is nothing wrong with that.
Do not forget to give a gift for the baby to Santa Claus in advance or so that the child will never see it.
And never scare your child that they may not receive a gift because of bad behavior. Santa Claus gives gifts to absolutely everyone!