In search of their soul mate, people are ready to perform the most extraordinary deeds. The search for true love makes you live and fills every day with meaning. Finally, a long and persistent search for a pair ends in success. However, someone else's husband may turn out to be your soul mate.

Step 1
In fact, you can become a lover for various reasons: self-affirmation, desire for material gain, warm feelings. Young girls are often attracted to a man's age, status, and sexual experience.
Step 2
The question of what to do if my man is married, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Relationship advice is rarely helpful because it is subjective. The answer usually lies in the right question. In order for the question to be formulated correctly, you need to learn to analyze the relationship.
Step 3
When you are only bound by bed, you should not make plans for a joint future. You just have fun, and this relationship can always end. Sex is not love, cravings tend to pass, which can lead to disappointment.
Step 4
Selfishness, unfortunately, sometimes spoils the picture. When you say that your partner is only yours, do not give him to anyone - these are destructive words that are likely to become the reason for your breakup. Blinded by feelings, you can ruin his relationship in the family. For example, you lied to your lover's wife. When this becomes known, you will certainly lose credibility in the eyes of your loved one. And even if you nevertheless achieved your goal by dishonest means - weddings, remember, if you took someone else's man away, they can do the same with you.
Step 5
Young lovers should be more careful. Men tend to get what they want at any cost. Relationship with another girl is the end, and the end, as you know, justifies the means. A man will easily lie that everything is bad in his family, just to keep you. Especially if he is much older than you, then he probably wants to prove that he is still capable of much. In most cases, having acquired a mistress, a man feels confident, pays more attention to his spouse, finds a different approach to her. He does not even allow thoughts of divorce, especially if there are children in his family.
Step 6
Nature has created people in such a way that a man must make decisions. If he decides to divorce, then most likely he will inform you about this shortly before the divorce itself, or after the accomplished fact.
Step 7
If you really love him, remember that love is an altruistic feeling. Have fun, fill your life with positive, respect him and his family. The more noble and tactful you behave, the better your relationship will develop.