How To Atone For Sins

How To Atone For Sins
How To Atone For Sins

Sin is a loose concept in the modern world and in some way even attractive. In a religious context, sin is understood as a crime not only against conscience, but also against God.

How to atone for sins
How to atone for sins

Let me go, father, sins

The sacrament of confession is provided in Christian religions precisely in order to let go of acts committed against God's covenants. The main element of confession is repentance. It is not enough to simply tell a person who is only a witness about sin. It is difficult to atone for a sin without repenting of it from the heart, without regretting what you have done. Purifying the soul by confession, a person should strive with his whole life not to do this anymore. It is good if the confession is sincere. Then the sin will be forgiven.

Prayer and Fasting

In Islam, there is no such action as confession. It is believed that there should be no intermediaries between God and man. And Muslims ask for absolution in their prayers to Allah. If you properly conduct the main Muslim fast - the month of Ramadan - all sins will be forgiven.

In Orthodoxy, fasting and prayer are only helpers in atonement for sins. However, as you know, there are exceptions to any rule. For example, when it was impossible to receive confession, hermit monks atoned for their sins with prayer and strict fasting.


If there is an opportunity to fix it, then you need to do it. At least try. One good parable tells how a man came to an elder who wanted to get rid of the vice of an unkind tongue. To the question "how?" the elder ordered to first gut the feather bed from the roof of the house. The man fulfilled, rejoiced returned to the elder, to find out if he redeemed his deeds by this. To which he received the answer: "Now collect."

It is better not to bring your affairs to such a scale, but if it happened, then you will have to make every effort to atone for redemption. Stolen goods can sometimes be returned. Apologize to the offended. Killed - help someone live or survive. In general, by doing deeds of kindness in the name of faith, it is possible in the coming time to tip the scales of judgment in your favor, to receive absolution.

Depending on the severity of the committed sin, good deeds are different. Some will get used to coping with the world, some have a soul that requires monastic solitude. But that's not the point. The main thing in the atonement for sin remains a feeling of regret for what has been done, repentance.

Everything at once

Any good housewife understands that fresh water alone is not enough for borscht. There you need to add vegetables, frying, meat, etc. I forgot something - and borsch is no longer borsch. The comparison may be weak, but it is obvious - in order to atone for sins, you need to do everything possible: confess and receive communion, pray and fast, do good deeds. And strive not to repeat the mistake in the future.
