Cheating often entails parting. However, if your loved one has forgiven you for such an act, you must make every effort to atone for your guilt. In no case should you think that if you have achieved forgiveness, then your efforts are over. There is still a lot of work ahead.

Step 1
Ask for forgiveness for what you did. And be sure to honestly explain why you betrayed your partner's trust so much. It is very important to sincerely repent and show it to your loved one. Demonstrate that you are just as sorry for what you changed as the one who was deceived is experiencing the resentment. Let me speak. Better to let your partner throw a scandal, express his thoughts, than it will accumulate inside and one day spill out.
Step 2
Try to raise your loved one's self-esteem. Keep in mind that your cheating is perceived by your partner as something that you compared him to someone and the choice was not in his favor. Therefore, right now you must convince your beloved that he is the best in the world, beautiful, interesting and mysterious. This is especially important for women. Admire, compliment more. Just do it sincerely. After all, if you are trying to maintain a relationship, then your loved one is really special for you. Therefore, do not forget to remind him of this more often.
Step 3
Bring trust back into your relationship. Without this, it is unlikely that something will work out. Just don't think that doing it is as easy as losing it. For a rather long period of time, your partner will expect a dirty trick and betrayal from you. Minimize your interaction with the opposite sex. Try to be completely open with your loved one. Even in small things, be honest and don't hide anything. Do not hide your phone, do not close your mail in front of your partner. Don't give even the slightest reason for suspicion. And more often, promise something and keep your word. This will convince your loved one that you are always telling the truth.
Step 4
Show your love. Do not be lazy to present a gift or make a pleasant surprise. Breathe new breath into your love. Fresh emotions will gradually replace resentment and your relationship will begin to improve. But be prepared for the fact that this offense will be remembered to you for a long time. Unfortunately, forgetting a betrayal is even more difficult than forgiving it.