Young children grow up very quickly and need new clothes every season. Girls love colorful dresses: for walking along the streets in summer, for matinees, and just showing off in the garden in front of their friends. You can't buy clothes for capricious spoiled daughters. Therefore, it is easier to sew a dress with your own hands.

large sheet of paper or part of wallpaper, pencil, ruler
Step 1
Choose a color, style. To build a dress pattern, you need to measure: the semi-girth of the neck, chest, waist, hips, center of the chest, back width, back length to the waist line, shoulder length, sleeves, arm girth, product length. After that, you can take a large sheet of paper or part of the wallpaper, a pencil, a ruler and start building a pattern.
Step 2
Find the left side of a sheet of paper, draw a vertical line, departing from the upper cut by 7 cm. On this line, put points A and H. From point A to the right, set the measurement of the half-girth of the chest plus 6 cm, put point B. From it, draw a perpendicular down and on the intersection with the bottom line, put the point H1. See how long your back is from the waistline, and put this measurement down from point A. Set point T. From it to the right, draw a horizontal line at the intersection with the bottom line, mark point T1.
Step 3
Now draw a line for the hips: from point T downward, set aside 1/2 measurements of the length of the back to the waist and mark point B. From this mark, draw a line to the right to the line BH1 and mark B1. Measure the width of your back and add one and a half centimeters to it. So much you need to postpone from point A and draw a line.
Step 4
Return to point A1. From it, set aside the fourth part of the half-girth of the chest, set point A2, draw a cut of the neck of the back. From point A to the right, measure a third of the half-girth of the neck plus half a centimeter and mark A3. From point A3 up, draw a perpendicular, on which set aside 1/10 measurements of the half-girth of the neck plus 0.8 cm and put point A4. Find the corner at A3 and divide it in half. Along this line from A3, set aside a tenth of the measurement of the half-girth of the neck and set point A4.
Step 5
Connect points A, A4, A5 with a smooth, slightly concave line. From A1 down, set aside one and a half centimeters and put point P. Points P and A4 are connected by a line. From A4, set your shoulder length down and place W1. Decide on the depth of the armhole.
Step 6
From point P straight down, count a quarter of the half-girth to the chest plus 7 cm and put a mark G. From it, draw a horizontal line to the line AH and mark the point of intersection with the letter G1, A with the line BH1 - G3. From mark G3 to the left, draw a line equal to the center of the chest and put point G6. From it, also draw a perpendicular to line B1B2 and mark B6. Build the front waist line: from T1 down, lay one and a half centimeters and mark T5. Connect points T4 and T5 with a smooth curve. The pattern is ready.