What Can Be The Reason For Disappointment In A Person

What Can Be The Reason For Disappointment In A Person
What Can Be The Reason For Disappointment In A Person

Disappointment in people, especially in loved ones, can cause long-term depression, as well as a deterioration in the opinion of everyone around in general. It is even worse when at the same time a person begins to blame himself for being so wrong about someone.

What can be the reason for disappointment in a person
What can be the reason for disappointment in a person

The most common causes of frustration

Often, disappointment arises from the initial incorrect assessment of a person's character, his skills, knowledge, talents. Key phrases in this case: "I hoped that he would do it", "It seemed to me that he was decent enough", "I expected that he would act differently." Those. people themselves mentally mold the images of others and can be very disappointed when it turns out to be just an illusion.

The greater the hope placed on someone, the greater the chagrin when those hopes are not met. In this case, it is important to understand that the matter is not so much in the person himself as in the erroneous ideas about him.

Another common problem is “wrong” behavior from the point of view of the judgmental. This is especially true for prioritization. The boss can become seriously disenchanted with a young talented employee if he refuses to work overtime for the good of the company, choosing instead to spend time with his family. It should be borne in mind that each person is individual and free to dispose of his time and resources as it is convenient for him, if it does not harm others.

Betrayal is a serious reason for disappointment. She, as a rule, becomes the most terrible, causing strong negative emotions. Treason, lies, slander, frequent deceptions, intrigues lingering behind the backs of loved ones - all this may someday become known for the victim of betrayal. In this case, it is difficult to avoid disappointment, especially if the feelings were strong.

Why do people get frustrated

Broken promises can also lead to disappointment. The stronger the expectation, the more important the given word, the more painful then it is to understand that a person's words are at odds with deeds. It is even worse if it leads to serious money or health problems.

One unfulfilled promise can still be forgiven, especially when it comes to force majeure situations. However, if the habit of giving a word and not keeping it began to manifest itself often, disappointment can hardly be avoided.

In rare cases, the reason for disappointment in a person may lie even in some information that a person has found out quite recently. As a rule, these are facts from the "dark past" of idols, be it an adored singer or a family member who enjoys great authority. Even if a person has changed a long time ago, some of the wrongs they have committed before can destroy a new attractive image and seriously disappoint.
