If a person does not love himself, he will never be able to establish a relationship with someone. Without a basic basis in the form of respect and love, trust cannot be built.

In the event that someone from the company begins to boast and be immensely proud of himself or his property, friends will gradually turn away from him. At first, his comrades will begin to influence and influence him in every possible way, but this method does not always help. Relationships with friends can be lost forever, relatives can endure for a long time.
When quarrels, discord and misunderstandings enter a human home, positive energy is necessarily absent, comfort collapses. Between spouses, such a relationship usually develops into silence. And then, as a result, into a divorce. The Bible says that pride kills anyone.
Such a relationship was built between David and Absalom when the latter returned to his father's house. David allowed his son to come to the palace and live there, but he was too proud to speak to his stumbled son. So Absalom lived next to his father, not communicating with him in any way. The great king fenced himself off from his son, locking his heart and feelings to the castle. As a result, the son died, in this there is also some share of his father's fault.
When talking with loved ones, you should always watch your words, because an offensive word thrown can create a chasm between relatives and friends.
Often, people who are proud of themselves and their position in society are actually cowardly and envious. They show all their pathos only in appearance, but in fact they are nothing.
When there is aversion to the interlocutor in communication, human pride is also manifested.
First of all, a person should look for the reason for breaking off relations with someone in himself and suppress pride at the root. This will help turning to the Lord.
You should tame your evil thoughts directed at other people. It is worth remembering about humility, it will help to balance the attitude towards yourself, the world around you and actions in particular.
You also need to constantly read prayers, they will help to relate to people more easily. After all, they also contain humility, meekness. Prayers help you find the right words to communicate with others.