Childhood Aggression

Childhood Aggression
Childhood Aggression

The increased aggressiveness of children is considered one of the common problems not only for teachers and psychologists, but also for society. The increase in juvenile delinquency and the number of children prone to aggressive forms of behavior are reasons for studying the psychological conditions that cause such dangerous phenomena.

Childhood aggression
Childhood aggression

During a conflict, it is common for parents to tell their children to solve problems peacefully. This is usually what happens if it's a childish disagreement. But when the child is a fighter, it is necessary to find out where the aggression comes from.

If in the family the parents are constantly quarreling, and the child sees all this, then it will be very difficult for him to explain that there is no need to fight. Family conflicts can make the child nervous, anxious, and harder to balance when arguing with peers. Children always imitate their parents and those adults who surround them. Therefore, it is important to smile more often, to provide assistance not only to your loved ones, but also to unfamiliar people. A child involuntarily sees a positive attitude of an adult towards life, and later he will develop a positive attitude towards others. And when the kid constantly observes quarrels between parents and neighbors or in transport, he will consider that aggression is normal. As a result, in kindergarten and then in school, this anger can cause quarrels and fights.

Often dads, without realizing this, want to raise a man from a boy. And therefore, they advise their son to be strong, courageous, but they do not take into account that one must also be restrained and yield to the weak. Many parents encourage their child to behave aggressively during an argument. But it is better if the adults do not rejoice for winning the fight, but offer other options for resolving the conflict, telling examples from life or from books.

The child's psyche is also developing taking into account information from films and television programs, where recently the use of physical force to achieve victory is welcomed. As a result, children have idols who are not always kind and peaceful. Being in society, the child repeats their behavior. Therefore, you should not show your child cartoons in which the characters are aggressive towards other characters.

Even when a child grows up as a peace-loving person, this does not mean that there are no other fighters in the team, and he will be able to completely avoid fights. The main thing is that he himself does not become the instigator of the quarrel. Then he will have much less reasons for a fight.
