Some girls push guys away and don't know why. The fact is that there are certain feminine qualities and habits that young people hate. If you notice some of these characteristics in yourself, change the situation to avoid being blacklisted by men.

Girls who dress vulgarly, dress up and behave defiantly are rarely seriously liked by guys. Such an image does not at all imply the presence of true femininity, warmth, and young people are looking for precisely these qualities in partners.
If the fair sex is not shy in expressions, swears, abuses alcohol and smokes, then in the eyes of a guy she is either a collection of bad habits, or "her boyfriend." Neither in the first nor in the second case, a young man can have romantic feelings for such a person.
Let the mind, this is not the main thing that men appreciate in women, but its obvious absence scares the stronger sex. Women's stupidity, stupid questions, inappropriate behavior can infuriate a young man.
Capriciousness and infantilism also do not paint girls. Some of them mistakenly believe that in this way they look like princesses in the eyes of men. In fact, the effect of an ordinary antics and fools is created.
There is a special category of female hunters. More than a man's personality, they are interested in his material condition. You can conquer such representatives of the fair sex with expensive gifts, travel and going to restaurants.
However, guys are much more discerning than some girls think. A young man with adequate self-esteem and a desire to find a serious relationship will not build an alliance with such a mercantile personality.
Girls who themselves hang around their necks by men do not cause the latter either respect or desire to continue dating on a long-term basis. However, completely unapproachable "snow queens" also do not appear among the favorites of the guys.
A woman who puts herself above everyone else, arrogant and inaccessible, only annoys a man. Communicating with an arrogant person who, with her presence, seems to be doing a favor to the guy, does not bring him any pleasure.
"Gray mice", quiet and inconspicuous, can hardly count on male attention. The lack of feminine outfits and the inability to maintain a conversation make these girls uninteresting for guys.
Men like self-sufficient, versatile women. Complete obedience and the desire to dissolve in a loved one is burdensome and annoying. And the inability to present oneself makes "gray mice" practically unattractive for young people.