In life, almost every person is forced to face a lie, but sometimes there are situations when this problem is felt most acutely. Most often this applies to cases when further relationships depend on how to forgive deception.

Step 1
Understand how essential the lie that needs to be forgiven is. If this deception is categorically contrary to the existing values in life, it may be easier to break off relations with the deceiver than to try to forgive him. Otherwise, the feeling of betrayal will continue to haunt.
Step 2
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether a lie can be forgiven. Each person chooses his own ways, but it is necessary to start with an attempt to understand the deceiver. If you can figure out exactly what reasons prompted him to lie, it will be a little easier to forgive.
Step 3
Before forgiving a lie, analyze the situation and try to understand that this fact has already taken place. And no matter how painful it is, it will no longer be possible to change anything in this situation. Therefore, it simply does not make sense to look for the reasons for what happened in oneself - this will further aggravate the situation: it remains just to accept and try to forgive. Remember that the deceiving person went to lie not in order to deliberately inflict pain, but in order to hide his misdeeds, therefore, the blame in this situation is completely placed on him, no matter what the excuses. Awareness of this fact will help dull the discomfort.
Step 4
Try to erase this unpleasant incident from your memory. If further relations are planned with the deceived person, then it is necessary to finally and irrevocably forget about the lie. Over time, the event will cease to be so relevant, and the lie will be perceived as just an unpleasant misunderstanding.
Step 5
Never reproach a person with this offense: if a lie has become known, then he will feel remorse anyway. Constant reproaches can completely ruin an already torn relationship. You need to forgive completely, or you must end the relationship with the deceived, so as not to torment yourself.