Beloved person, dear friend, close relative - whoever betrays you - this is very painful. It takes time to understand and forgive. But a person who has faced betrayal once becomes very circumspect in the future.

Step 1
Don't hold back your feelings. The person who betrayed you must understand how much pain he has caused you, and how it is you who feel. If he regrets his wrongdoing, he will be ready to listen to you as much as necessary. Remember, it is better to express the most intimate now than to return to this difficult topic later.
Step 2
Try to understand. Some people prefer not to discuss what happened at all and just mentally forgive the person. But if you do not analyze the situation right away, then you will involuntarily remember it and doubt it from time to time. Therefore, think about why this happened, what were the reasons and circumstances. After all, there is a fundamental difference between prudent betrayal and rash actions that are caused by a number of spontaneous circumstances. Honest self-examination can show that you may be partly responsible for what happened, although this in no way mitigates the betrayer's act.
Step 3
Decide on what to do. If you feel that you can forgive a person, but it takes time, then clearly identify what factors will help you get through what happened, and tell this to the guilty party - this way you will act together in the same direction. And if you are not ready to forgive, or the pain is so strong that now you are not able to make such decisions, then do not hide your feelings and talk about them.
Step 4
Take a break from the situation. The solution to this difficult question can be so depressing and destructive on the inside that you will lose your vitality. Don't let this happen - live on, not focusing on what happened, and over time, the feelings will subside a little.
Step 5
Don't be isolated. While betrayal by one person can automatically reduce the level of trust in others, you should not give in to such feelings. Remember that sometimes you cannot do without friendly advice, which means that you now need help and support like never before. Don't push away those who are genuinely trying to show concern and concern for you.
Step 6
Don't look back. Having tuned in to restore and preserve relationships, do not remember the past, but build a new future, taking into account the circumstances that cannot be corrected or returned - they can only be forgiven.