From childhood, people are taught that lying is wrong and wrong. Nevertheless, people tell lies, moreover, quite often. However, in addition to the common deception for your own protection, there is also a salvation lie - a deception designed to protect other people.

Lies to the rescue and white lies
Salvage deception is often confused with polite deception. That is why people often deny the existence of a lie for salvation: they believe that this is a classic "white lie" when they hide the truth so as not to offend a person. In fact, these are completely different concepts. White lies are designed to hide a truth that is not too significant, so as not to anger and upset. It is she who is sometimes used by people, praising the new hairstyle or outfit of their acquaintances or noting their positive features, which in fact do not exist.
White lies in many countries are a tribute to politeness, so it can be safely used without fear of censure from society.
The salvation lie is used in serious cases when it comes to much more serious things than the discomfort or resentment of another person. A patient who is not characterized by a strong character and resilience should not be told that his illness is too serious and may soon kill him. By telling such a terrible truth, people not only poison the last weeks of a person's life, but also make him understand that now there is only one path left for him, and he leads to the cemetery. For those who can no longer fight for their lives, such words can become a real sentence. It will be much more humane to use lies for salvation - it will give not only hope, but also strength for the struggle.
How can a lie be salutary
If you don’t believe in a lie of salvation, think about how it has helped save many lives during difficult times. Deception allowed to hide innocent people in times of war. It was used by prisoners during interrogations to save the lives of other people. Thanks to him, those who were somehow involved in political affairs were able to survive during the times of repression.
Even Christians who condemn lies have their own example: if Judas had kissed not Jesus, but one of his disciples, the Messiah would have survived. It was not lies that ruined him, but the truth.
It is very important to understand that lying to the rescue is possible only in critical situations. This concept cannot cover up petty deceptions, because it was precisely such a substitution that caused the noble untruth to turn into a myth. A saving lie is appropriate when it does not harm, but protects. So a boy adopted in infancy is told by his adoptive father and mother that they are his real parents. In this way, children are protected from facts that can damage their psyche and break their lives.