Benefits Of A Humidifier For Kids

Benefits Of A Humidifier For Kids
Benefits Of A Humidifier For Kids

The air in the apartment may be too dry, it is not immediately noticeable to an adult, but babies react with frequent colds, allergies and even asthma. But one has only to increase the water content in the space, and health improves.

Benefits of a humidifier for kids
Benefits of a humidifier for kids

Baby's moisture and health

Comfortable humidity for an adult is 50-60%. With this indicator, there is no feeling of stuffiness, it breathes easily and freely. For babies, the humidity should be slightly higher - 60-65%. Until the age of 7, the body has not yet fully formed, heat exchange occurs mainly through the lungs, and not through the skin. Accordingly, through breathing, the child's body loses a lot of fluid.

When the humidity is low, the mucous membranes dry out. Crusts form in the nasopharynx that make breathing difficult. The protective function of the mucous membranes is also lost, and this leads to colds, allergies to dust and other substances found in the air. Prolonged exposure to dry conditions can even cause asthma. To increase the water content in a space, you need a humidifier.

But it is important to remember that high humidity also has many negative sides. The possibility of developing sore throat at a humidity of 70-90% increases 3 times, so you need to control the amount of moisture in the room using a hygrometer.

Choosing a humidifier

There are 3 types of residential humidifiers:

  • traditional;
  • ultrasonic;
  • steam.

Each model has its own pros and cons. A steam humidifier evaporates water by boiling it. In this case, the water is disinfected, but condensation occurs on the objects. Moisture often gets inside electrical appliances, which shortens the service life. High power consumption and constant gurgling sounds. It can be dangerous in a home with children as the steam is very hot.

A traditional humidifier is like a fan that blows around damp surfaces and evaporates moisture. There are quiet and noisy models, you need to carefully approach this parameter. Energy consumption is low, oversaturation of the air with moisture is unlikely. But such a device is effective only for an area of no more than 15 square meters.

The ultrasonic humidifier is ideal for a child's room. Low frequency sound breaks the water into very small particles that are sprayed into the room. During use, all salts that were in the liquid get into the air; when using tap water, gray stains may appear on objects. Water must be purified before spraying. Filters must be regularly changed to help disinfect the air Energy consumption is low.

It is worth paying attention to the volume of the humidifier. On average, in an ordinary apartment in winter with central heating, a humidifier sprays 350-500 g of water per hour. This is enough to get an optimal moisture content of 60% on 20 square meters. A minimum of 6 liters of water will be required per day to maintain the desired atmosphere. If the volume is significant, you will not have to add liquid often, and if the humidifier is 1 liter, then you need to remember about it several times a day.

Most models are equipped with an auto shut-off. Some stop working when the water runs out, others stop when the required level of humidification is reached in the room. The latter are equipped with a hygrometer, which is very convenient, but the price with this device increases by 20-30%.

Many humidifiers have water and air filters and must be replaced regularly. Check in advance the cost of these replacement parts, sometimes it significantly exceeds the price of the device itself. Such a purchase will be very expensive to maintain.

An important indicator is the serviced area, each device is designed for a certain size of the room, and this should not be ignored. It is also important to pay attention to the noise, because the device can work around the clock, and it is difficult for a child to fall asleep with loud sounds.

Buying a humidifier is a must in modern apartments. Heating, the presence of a large number of electrical appliances leads to a decrease in humidity, and this is dangerous for the baby. But you need to choose a model not for its cost, but for work efficiency.
