A comfortable environment in the nursery is a guarantee of the baby's health and well-being. In order for the child to sleep soundly at night, as rarely as possible to get sick and not be prone to allergies, the air in his room should not be too dry. Purchase a quality household humidifier for the best atmosphere.

Step 1
Decide which moisturizer you need. The fewer additional functions a device has, the lower its price. However, the budget model may not withstand many hours of daily use. If you plan to actively use a humidifier, choose a quality model from a reliable manufacturer.
Step 2
Steam humidifiers, ultrasonic humidifiers, as well as traditional models that work on the principle of cold evaporation are available. The choice of this or that option depends not only on your preferences, but also on the age and physical characteristics of the child. For example, a steam appliance must not be left on unattended. Such a humidifier is suitable for a baby's room, but for an active baby it can be dangerous - hot steam can provoke a burn.
Step 3
Ultrasonic models that create a fog effect in the air are suitable for asthmatics, and are also indispensable in rooms with very dry air. They are also suitable for babies who are awakened by every rustle. Ultrasonic humidifiers are completely silent and will not disturb your baby's sleep.
Step 4
A traditional humidifier, in which a fan blows air through a damp sponge, is absolutely safe for children of any age. However, such devices are noisy. If the fan does not interfere with the baby, choose a model equipped with an antibacterial filter - it will not only quickly humidify the air, but also disinfect it.
Step 5
The best option for a nursery is a universal air washing system, which not only moisturizes it, but also cleans it from dust, pollen, pet hair and other small particles harmful to the baby. Some models are equipped with a special rod to saturate the air with negatively charged particles.