From What Age They Take Children To The Nursery-kindergarten

From What Age They Take Children To The Nursery-kindergarten
From What Age They Take Children To The Nursery-kindergarten

Unlike ordinary kindergarten groups, which can be attended by children who have reached the age of 2-3 years, nursery groups are designed for toddlers from 1, 5 years old. At the same time, in some private preschool institutions, even younger children are taken into education.

From what age they take children to a nursery-kindergarten
From what age they take children to a nursery-kindergarten

At what age can a child attend a nursery group

In most Russian regions, children start going to kindergarten only when they reach 2–3 years of age. However, some mothers cannot afford not to work throughout their maternity leave. There are several ways out of this situation. You can leave the baby with a grandmother or nanny, or you can enroll him in a day nursery.

Specialized nursery gardens today are a rarity. Not all preschool institutions even have nursery groups. In order to find out about the possibility of enrolling a baby in one of these groups, you need to contact the head of the kindergarten.

According to the law, a child can be sent to a nursery from 1, 5 years old. Moreover, the main recruitment is carried out in September. If by this time the baby has not yet reached 1, 5 years of age, he may not be taken to the nursery group.

There are several different forms of preschool stay for children. Nursery-kindergarten implies the presence of kids within its walls and in the adjacent territory throughout the working day. The management of the kindergarten provides them with good nutrition, sleep, walks. There are also short stay groups. They differ from ordinary nursery groups in that children are in the kindergarten for only 2, 5-3 hours a day. Moreover, more often than not, they are not fed breakfast or lunch. Kids eat at home.

Sometimes the management of preschool institutions slightly changes the rules for enrolling children in nurseries and short-term stay groups. For example, in some kindergartens it is allowed to bring children only from 2 years old.

Nursery is intended for babies strictly up to 3 years old. If a place in the nursery group was given to the child not upon reaching the queue for the kindergarten, but because at the time the mother or father applied to the preschool, there was a free place in it, upon reaching the age of 3, the kindergarten management can terminate the contractual agreement with his parents.

Some experts believe that it is not necessary to send a child to a nursery too early. Up to 2 years old, the baby still needs a mother very much.

Private nursery gardens

In private preschool institutions, it is also customary to accept babies from 1, 5 years old. At the same time, the management of some of them makes an exception for those parents who wish to send their baby to a nursery even earlier. For example, some private childcare facilities accept babies from 1 year old.

In commercial kindergartens, as a rule, all the wishes of the parents are taken into account. They provide an excellent environment for toddlers to stay full or part-time. Unfortunately, a child's stay in one of these institutions is not cheap.
