Morning exercises, developed on folklore material, are most useful for the development of preschool children. The essence of poetic texts is movement to the beat of the rhythm. By repeating the characters of fairy tales or nursery rhymes, children develop hearing, speech and imagination, improve coordination and speed of reaction. You can write poems yourself, or take ready-made material and choose exercises for it.

Each line of the poem is responsible for a specific exercise. Movements should be simple and straightforward. Children's clothing should not hinder movement. An adult shows all the exercises by example and helps the child in every way.
Ventilate the room for 15-20 minutes before starting charging. Engage your child with a playful introduction. Most often they use the method - the doll came to visit. Choose a toy that matches the theme of the poem, and on its behalf ask the child to help - do some exercises. For example:
1. Standing position. Legs shoulder width apart, arms along the body.
A bullfinch sat on a branch (slowly raise both hands on the shoulders, the rotational movements of the shoulders imitate the movement of the wings of a bird). Rain splashed - (hands up, squeeze-unclench fingers, imitating splashes). He got wet (clench his fingers into fists, press his hands tightly to his chest, as if frozen). Blow a little breeze (hands up, alternately tilts to the right and left, as if a tree bends in the wind), dry the bullfinch for us! (Hands to the sides, bend at the elbows and wave your hands like wings).
2. Squats.
Robin the Little Redneck sat on an old maple tree (hands on shoulders). A cat climbed up (hands up, the fingertips depict the scraping movements of cat claws) he went down (lower his hands along the body). A cat climbed down (hands on a belt, sit down). He took off again. (get up) He sat down on a maple tree and said: (sit down, put your hands under your chin) - Can you catch it?
3. Jumping and leaning.
The goat jumped into the garden, into the garden (put your index fingers to the temples, depicting the horns of the goat; jump in place, return to the starting position - arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart). The goat trampled the garlic, all the garlic (bend forward, reach the floor with your palms and "walk" with your palms, showing trampling movements). Yes, green dill, our dill (return to the starting position, hands on the belt, walking in place). Yes, a fragrant cornflower, cornflower (bend forward, make raking movements with both hands, as if trying to catch and inhale the aroma).
4. Completion of charging - sip.
Stretched, stretched - (slowly bend over, reach the floor with your fingertips and also slowly straighten up, stretching your arms up) touched the red sun! We got brave, straightened up, (slow rotational movements with both hands) finally woke up!
For a positive emotional background, use a quiet background music (music should not interrupt your voice). The sounds of the forest or the sound of the surf are ideal. If the child is tired, take a break. Do not overload the child with exercises, charging in time should not exceed 30 minutes.