300 private kindergartens - this is the number of non-state kindergartens recorded in the capital. And they are all in great demand. Especially in need of places in such kindergartens are parents whose children are still quite toddlers - the so-called nurseries. After all, not all state kindergartens have nursery groups. And you need to go to work as early as possible. How not to miscalculate and arrange a baby in a good private garden nursery, you should ask the experts.

Naturally, the first step is to weigh the pros and cons. After all, psychologists in a voice assure that it is better for the baby to be with his mother as long as possible - at least up to 3 years. But if the question of whether to send the child to a preschool institution or not has already been resolved, it remains to decide on another problem - the choice of a nursery group.
What are nursery groups
Nurseries, or nursery groups, are groups where very little ones are accepted. According to the approved SanPins, a child can be sent to kindergarten from six months. It is from this age that the nursery should be opened. However, in fact, these norms have been preserved since Soviet times, when young mothers were entitled to maternity leave and parental leave for only 3 months.
Modern gardens today are simply not designed for such small pupils. And all the recommendations of doctors and psychologists are of a prohibitive nature of such an early separation from the mother. Therefore, the earliest when you can send a child to a kindergarten is when they reach 1, 5 years old.
The current policy of the Moscow authorities to reduce queues for kindergartens has also affected nursery groups. Most of them today are simply closed and they take children from only 3 years old.
Private gardens get an advantage over public gardens, because their problem of distributing children in turns is not worth it. And besides, they need to earn money, so they calmly open a nursery and take kids there. In addition, at their discretion, they can even slightly lower the age threshold for accepted children and take even one-year-old babies to the nursery.
How to choose a nursery in a private garden
Parents should understand that the word “private” is not always synonymous with “quality” and “safe”. Therefore, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions when choosing a kindergarten, so that later you do not worry about your child.
So, for example, the best option if a private kindergarten with a nursery group will be in nature. Naturally, it is quite difficult to find such a place in Moscow itself - there are not so many green areas in the capital. But it makes sense to take a closer look at the nearest Moscow region.
In addition, a private garden nursery must have a playroom, bedroom, study room, bathroom and toilet.
Private gardens are the best option for domestic children, i.e. those who are difficult to break away from their parents and feel extremely uncomfortable in other people's conditions.
It is worth paying attention to the developmental programs that are provided in a particular private preschool institution. Naturally, toddlers will not have mathematics and other subjects, but they should have modeling lessons, game lessons and everything that suits their age. By the way, in private kindergartens, they sometimes go a little ahead of the program and give children material that older children study. There are also pluses: teachers necessarily evaluate which of the kids and how they learn the material, and pull up those who do not have time, not to the detriment of the rest.
There is also such a service in private nurseries as organizing trips for babies to nature. For many parents who are busy making money, this service can be simply irreplaceable.
When choosing a nursery, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the proposed menu. Firstly, for very little ones, it should be as adapted as possible - they cannot be fed with sandwiches and sausages. In addition, if the mother succeeds in maintaining breastfeeding and she plans to feed as long as possible, you need to inquire whether it is allowed to bring your expressed milk to the garden so that they can feed the baby.
When choosing a private nursery, pay attention to the location of the kindergarten. It should not be near the road, because then the teachers will not even be able to ventilate properly, it should not be old, with cracked walls, with poor communications, etc. All this can cause potential harm to the health of the child.
You also need to take a close look at the inventory and toys. If they are all old and in an already pretty shabby condition, look for another kindergarten better.
There are a lot of nuances to pay attention to. However, you can not find fault for a very long time, but simply find some parents from those whose children are already attending kindergarten, and ask them for their opinion. They definitely do not need to deceive you.
And remember that if you have the slightest doubt, look for another garden. After all, you trust him with the most valuable thing that you have - your child.