For the conception of a girl, it is necessary that by the time of ovulation only sperm-X have access to the egg. Ovulation is the time when an egg is released from the ovary. It is most fertile for conception. Sperm-X are responsible for conceiving a female fetus, and sperm-Y are responsible for conceiving a boy. Sperm-X live longer than sperm-Y, but they are slower. Based on their physical characteristics, it is worth planning the frequency and timing of intercourse.

- ovulation;
- the presence of access in the oocyte for sperm-X.
Step 1
We calculate the day of ovulation. To do this, we find the 14th day from the start of the new cycle. The maximum number of intercourse should be from 5 to 8 days of the cycle. So by the time of ovulation, sperm-Y will have died, and sperm-X will be able to reach the egg and merge with it.
Step 2
For the next 3 days, that is, from 9 to 11, limit intercourse to one per day. Stick to only face-to-face positions these days. There should be practically no foreplay time. At the moment of orgasm, the man needs to lean back and reduce the depth of entry into the woman. Eliminate the use of artificial lubricants during this period.
Step 3
Refrain from intercourse for the period from 12 to 14 days. This is due to the fact that the life of the egg is 1-3 days and during intercourse, active sperm-Y again appear, which can outstrip the slow sperm-X.
Step 4
It is also better to wait 15 and 16 days or use a condom during intercourse. These are dangerous days when conception can still occur. In this case, sperm-Y, most likely, will be faster than sperm-X, and a boy will be conceived. The following days are considered safe.