Life with a tyrant husband may one day get bored even by the most flexible woman. Constant reproaches and discontent, the desire to lead everything, the restriction of your right to freedom - these are some of the many signs of a despotic spouse.

Signs of a tyrant husband
Analyze the current situation - are you really sure that your husband is a tyrant? Perhaps he really is. But it may be that you are trying to pass off wishful thinking and in fact you simply do not want to accept the completely legal demands of your husband and his excessive adherence to principles in some matters.
There are quite definite signs by which one can recognize a despotic spouse. So, if your husband seeks to limit your right to freedom of action and decision-making in all possible ways, he most likely has tyrannical inclinations. For example, you must ask him for permission to go somewhere: visit relatives or friends, or you must report to him about every ruble spent, etc.
A tyrant husband, most likely, will not allow you to freely make even such simple decisions as, for example, purchasing a gym or pool membership, buying a new dress without his permission, inviting relatives or friends to visit, etc. If you disobey him, your spouse will certainly not ignore your act and will definitely express his claims to you.
The wives of oppressive spouses, as a rule, do not work, even if they want to. After all, the financial independence of a lady deprives the tyrant of the main levers of influence on her. Such a man has fewer reasons for reproaches and statements that he, ungrateful, feeds her, gives water, dresses, etc.
Living with a tyrant husband can develop an inferiority complex in his wife, instill in her a constant feeling of guilt before her right half, always and in everything. It may come to the point that the situation in the family ceases to be perceived by the woman objectively. She will be morally broken and become a victim of her oppressive husband, without trying to somehow change her position.
In essence, male tyrants pursue one goal: to make sure that their slaves, loyal subjects, who would be afraid of them and unquestioningly fulfill all their whims, were next to them. The despot revels in his power, constantly strikes out anger on his victim, asserts himself at the expense of it, often insulting and scolding another person without objective reasons.
What to do with a tyrant husband?
If you recognize your husband among the signs of an oppressive spouse described above, start defending your right to personal freedom. Do not indulge all his desires and requirements, show your own character, show that you are capable of making decisions on your own.
Unfortunately, quite often a despotic husband cannot be re-educated, and then the only way out of this situation is divorce. But before deciding on such a cool measure, still try to speak frankly and calmly with your husband, explain to him reasonably that you are not satisfied with this state of affairs.
Sometimes the wife allows her husband to become a despot. Her indecision, infantilism, gentleness of character can provoke the manifestation of tyrannical inclinations in the character of a spouse. From the first days of family life, set your priorities correctly, do not seek to be in the shadows. Remember that you and your spouse have absolutely equal rights in everything.