Mixed marriages are a common tradition, especially in our world, where people from other countries move and travel freely. But if a child appears in such a marriage, the question arises of what name to call the baby.

Step 1
Focus on the country in which you plan to live. If the baby's dad is a foreigner, but you plan to live in Russia, you should not call the baby Richard or John. It will sound strange to all his Russian-speaking friends and acquaintances. This state of affairs can even harm the child if in kindergarten or school peers laugh at him because of his name. The child may withdraw into himself and avoid making new friends.
Step 2
If you move to your husband's country, you should take into account the traditions of naming children in that culture, even if they seem strange to you. In this case, it is better to rely on the tastes of the spouse. Moreover, for many peoples, the name of a child carries a special meaning, which, according to beliefs, will then influence his character. Therefore, if the husband wants to call the boy a masculine name or through the name give the girl beauty and femininity, you should not prevent him from doing this. After all, this is just a name, you can modify it and come up with affectionate home-made abbreviations.
Step 3
A compromise between the spouses will be the choice of an international name for the child, that is, a name that is present in different languages. For a boy, these are the names Alexander, Maxim or Maximilian, Herman, Lucas or Luke, Arthur. For girls - Anna, Maria, Sofia, Alice, Natalia or Natalie, Katerina or Katherine, Lily or Lilia, Zoe or Zoe, Elizabeth or Elizabeth. In this case, you can find many options when in different languages the name of the child will sound approximately the same, and there will be no discrepancies in the passport or birth certificate with how you name the child.
Step 4
Give your child a double name. For official institutions, friends and acquaintances, it will be called so as not to make everyone smile, but at home the child can get used to responding to his middle name. This can also be a kind of compromise between spouses in the event that the mother likes only one name, and the father - another. However, in this case, you need to select such names so that they are combined with each other, because, for example, the option: James-Peter or Olivia-Daria sounds a little strange.
Step 5
Choose a name that pleases both. Do not listen to what other people have to say, ultimately it is your child, and his parents should like the name equally. If you cannot concede in this matter to your husband or he does not want to concede in such a serious decision to you, all that remains is to find an option that will satisfy both parents.