How To Light Candles For Children

How To Light Candles For Children
How To Light Candles For Children

Table of contents:


If the child is sick, the pediatrician may recommend rectal suppositories as a treatment - in other words, “suppositories” that are inserted into the rectum. This form of drugs is more relevant the younger the child is. The use of suppositories is advisable in cases where it is necessary to achieve a long-term therapeutic effect. Suppositories will help out in a situation where the baby refuses to take medications orally or intramuscularly.

How to light candles for children
How to light candles for children


suppositories prescribed by a doctor, petroleum jelly, or baby cream


Step 1

If the child is already old enough, be sure to explain to him what exactly you are going to do, that it is necessary for his recovery and it is much better than injections. Try to get the child to trust you, otherwise the procedure will turn out to be quite painful and unpleasant for both of you.

Step 2

Try to distract your younger child. To do this, you can call someone close to help you, since you will be busy directly introducing the candle.

Step 3

Warm the candle at room temperature before inserting it. You can hold the medicine in your hands for a bit or dip it in warm water right in the package.

Step 4

Wash your hands thoroughly and remove the packaging from the candle.

Step 5

Lay the child on the left side. You can lubricate the anus with baby cream or petroleum jelly.

Step 6

Bend the child's legs at the knees and hip joints, fix them in this position. In infants, the administration of the suppository can also be carried out in a supine position with the legs brought to the tummy (as when changing a diaper).

Step 7

With your left hand, gently spread the buttocks, and with your right hand, gently but confidently insert the candle into the anus with the pointed end forward, holding it with your finger.

Step 8

Keep the baby's buttocks closed for 1-2 minutes, otherwise the candle may be reflexively squeezed back out. It is better if the child lies quietly for some time (at least half an hour).
