The Cancer sign refers to the water element. Hence - his high sensitivity, receptivity and intuition, caution and romance. But Cancers are not so simple - rationality and practicality are also not alien to them.

Step 1
Cancers in their youth are often romantics who dream of ideal love, and they expect tenderness, understanding, support from the chosen one / chosen one. They tend to exaggerate the merits and not notice the shortcomings of their passion. Love and family comes first for this sign. Men of this sign are often drawn to women of the maternal type, and women-Cancers - to men of the paternal type. In their feelings, Cancers are owners and are able to suffer greatly from unrequited love, and once disappointed, they can remain alone for a long time for fear that they will be hurt again.
Step 2
The physiological primitive aspect of love is often not so important for Cancers, while they are ready to play a long love game and love affection. Assertiveness in intimate relationships is not typical for them - both men and women are ready to obey a more active partner. Cancer, offended by betrayal, can become jealous and aggressive, to which the hurt pride pushes it.
Step 3
Men of this sign are capable of being faithful husbands and caring fathers. If this is a more ambiguous and capricious type of man, then he can search for his ideal among many women for a long time. Cancers easily seduce women due to their aura of mystery and mysticism, emotionality and courtesy. They often choose girls who are outwardly attractive, confident and energetic, sometimes even aggressive, while romantic and loyal.
Step 4
Among Cancers, there are women who are shy and affectionate, mysterious, as well as outwardly inaccessible and capricious. In a marriage, girls of this type tend to become strongly attached to a man, adapt to him, appreciate loyalty, reliability and thriftiness in him, the ability to protect.
Step 5
Cancers in love, as in everything else, are careful and not prone to ill-considered actions, because are sensitive to failure. They are not conquerors by nature, and if the person to whom they have sympathy refused, then they can give up. If a person of this sign is worried about something, he can be very secretive and not share problems with a partner.
Step 6
A man and a woman, both belonging to the sign of Cancer, have a chance to create a strong union, where there are many children and the house is a full cup. They will feel safe and spend their free time at home, where they can isolate themselves from the problems of the outside world. Marriages of Cancers with Pisces, Virgos can be successful. A Cancer woman, under certain conditions, can also build a relationship with a Taurus or Scorpio man.