How The Bible Says A Wife Should Treat Her Husband

How The Bible Says A Wife Should Treat Her Husband
How The Bible Says A Wife Should Treat Her Husband

The question of the relationship in marriage is very relevant today, since every second marriage ends in divorce, and in 70% of cases, women become the initiators of the break. One of the reasons for divorce in Russia, many psychologists call a change in women's attitudes towards marriage: if earlier wives tried with all their might to save the union, now, if problems arise, women do not see the point in continuing.

How the Bible says a wife should treat her husband
How the Bible says a wife should treat her husband

How should a wife treat her husband according to the Bible?

Despite the fact that according to the Scriptures, husband and wife are equal before God, they still have different roles in marriage.

So a woman should:

  • Obey your husband: "Wives, obey your husbands, it is your duty to the Lord." According to the Bible, obedience is the natural response to loving leadership. But this does not mean at all that a husband can be a tyrant and despot, and a woman should behave like a silent fish. All issues should be resolved collectively. When difficult situations arise, the husband must make the final decision, since it is he who is responsible for his family before God.
  • A woman, in order to become a real helper to her husband, must have an active life position and have her own view of solving some issues and problems. When a man and a woman get married, they become one, so each must fulfill each other.
  • Be wise with your husband. And a wise woman always knows that she can only talk to her husband when he is full.
  • Be affectionate. When a woman is tender to her husband, when she gladly meets him from work and sees him off, it is pleasant for a man to return home. If a wife sincerely thanks her husband, then it becomes more pleasant for him to do something for her.
  • To be beautiful only for the husband. This means that a woman should not wear bright clothes and makeup. Beauty is, first of all, a state of mind. Therefore, a woman should be merciful. And the main adornment of a woman is virtue. But at the same time, she must be neat and feminine.
  • Be economical. The wife should take it upon herself to create comfort in the house, and the husband can sometimes help her with this. Even if a wife has to stay up late and get up early, her family should be well-groomed and fed, and order and comfort should reign at home.
  • Observe moderation in intimate life. This means that the wife does not have to please her husband unquestioningly every time. In the intimate life of spouses, there should be no excesses, therefore, abstinence is necessary during the period of fasting and ailments.

What if my wife is unable to combine all this?

This lifestyle is too complicated for most modern women. After all, many wives build a career and make a great contribution to providing for the family. Therefore, combining a career with fulfilling the Holy Scriptures can be very stressful for a woman.

In such situations, the religious leaders recommend that the woman prayerfully change the order of her priorities and begin to follow the role prescribed in the Bible.

It is worth noting that each person has the right to choose for himself what to believe and how to build his family. The main thing is that all family members are happy and know how to find compromises in everything.
