7 Simple Rules For A Happy Marriage

7 Simple Rules For A Happy Marriage
7 Simple Rules For A Happy Marriage

Modern statistics are very sad - there are eight divorce proceedings for every ten marriages. But you really want to live a happy and long life with your loved one, to become an example of family well-being.

7 simple rules for a happy marriage
7 simple rules for a happy marriage

Back in the middle of the 20th century, the American psychologist and publicist Carnegie Dale, in his book How to Win Friends and Influence People, described seven simple rules for a happy marriage.

Rule # 1. Under no circumstances should you find fault with or "nag" your spouse.

Paradoxical as it may sound, but it is the eternal reproaches and nagging that can destroy even the strongest marriage. But for some reason, most people mistakenly believe that the other half will definitely get better if you constantly reproach. It won't! Moreover, due to constant scandals, a person can become worse than he really is.

Rule # 2. Never try to change your partner.

It's useless. Each person has their own set of advantages and disadvantages. It is better to focus on the positive qualities of a loved one.

Rule # 3. No criticism.

Not a single person, being in his right mind and strong memory, will not tolerate criticism in his address. Criticism is the surest way to kill a good relationship.

Rule # 4. Sincere appreciation is the best way to prolong a relationship.

Why are women so eager to look good, and men - to achieve career heights? Everyone wants to be grateful. But everyday life often discolours everything, and now what once caused a storm of enthusiasm is taken for granted. And routine is a terrible enemy of family happiness. Be grateful to each other, and do not ignore the pleasant little things.

Rule # 6. Be considerate with your life partner.

A kind word is pleasant to a cat, and a careful and considerate attitude towards a life partner is an integral part of a happy marriage. Any man knows that an affectionate and reverent attitude towards his beloved makes a woman flourish. And women know very well that gentleness and tenderness make men close their eyes to some sins.

Rule # 7. Attention to the sexual side.

There have been many books, articles and magazines written on this topic, but in most families this issue leaves much to be desired. Disharmony in sexual relations is not the rarest reason for the breakdown of families. Unfortunately, the majority of young people, despite the enormous amount of information, remain illiterate in bed matters.

Do not be silent about any problems or inconveniences. The best way is to tactfully discuss issues of concern with your significant other or contact a specialist in this field.

It is worth remembering that passion passes over time, giving way to stronger feelings or separating people in different directions. In any case, maintaining a long family relationship will depend on each person.
