Why A Man Doesn't Want Sex

Why A Man Doesn't Want Sex
Why A Man Doesn't Want Sex

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It is believed that men always want sex, so women are usually shocked when faced with rejection. And after all, everything was fine before, but recently something strange has been happening with your partner! But the reality is that a lot can discourage a man from making love, and before getting nervous and suspecting him of treason, it is useful to try to find out what the matter is.

Why a man doesn't want sex
Why a man doesn't want sex


Step 1

Workaholism and over-employment at work is the biggest reason men lose interest in sex today. Firstly, work and career for some is quite an exciting business that requires a gambling approach. And if a man's thoughts are busy with how to successfully conduct tomorrow's negotiations, he may not express the desire to have sex. Secondly, if you work very hard, there is almost always a risk of overwork, which has a very negative effect on potency and interest in sexual life. There is also stress - men are susceptible to it no less, and sometimes even more, than women. If your partner is having difficulties at work, try to help them relax at home. Try to persuade him to go on vacation soon, and if that doesn't work out, arrange for him to have a good weekend getaway.

Step 2

Another reason for the lack of sexual desire is various diseases. These are not necessarily ailments in the genital area, although the reasons may be here. Problems such as depression, hormonal disorders, colds, problems with the cardiovascular system, and many other diseases negatively affect the tone of the entire body, and therefore, on sexual desire. Some medications can also reduce potency. If you realize that your partner is not well, try helping him with a visit to the doctor. It is known that men are able to pull with this to the last.

Step 3

In the modern world, it happens that partners communicate more often via the Internet than live. It may seem funny, but only for the first time. You will soon find that communication becomes more difficult for you. This not only destroys the relationship, but also destroys sexual desire. Try spending more time together, talking and discussing each other's day, instead of browsing the news on social media.

Step 4

Relationship problems are a common cause of a man's lack of desire. If you constantly nag him, quarrel with him and find fault with him about trifles, you should not be surprised that he does not want sex. Sexual desire becomes less intense if your relationship has been going on for a long time, but it disappears altogether in the absence of mutual understanding or goodwill on the part of one of the partners.

Step 5

Sex on the side. Unfortunately, it is possible that a man does not want sex because his desires are already satisfied. Do not rush to suspect it until you have ruled out all the previous options. In any case, it is better to speak frankly than to rush to blame him, especially if you have no reason for this, other than his lack of desire to have sex. If he does indeed have someone, the prerequisite for this is, as a rule, the neglected previous reason - the lack of emotional contact.
