How To Take Revenge On A Husband For Treason

How To Take Revenge On A Husband For Treason
How To Take Revenge On A Husband For Treason

Male infidelity, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Being polygamous by nature, representatives of the stronger sex are often susceptible to temptation. How to take revenge on a husband for treason? first you need to develop a plan for revenge, and it is better to do it slowly.

How to take revenge on a husband for treason
How to take revenge on a husband for treason

Having lived with a man in marriage for some time, you probably learned his weak points, which you need to hit without a miss! But ill-conceived tantrums and scandals are of no use to you, your husband will even more assert his position that you are a bad wife, a hysterical woman, etc., and will think that you really need it.

If money is a man's weak point, raise the issue of divorce and division of property. Scare him by leaving the lustful male in his underpants! Moreover, even if you have no plans to get divorced, it is still worth playing on the traitor's nerves. Enter the role, because every woman has the talent of an actress, create the image of a soulless woman-bitch, convince your spouse that you do not feel sorry for him at all.

Do not back down from your words too quickly, do not back down, wait until the traitor crawls at your feet and ask for forgiveness! Of course, all this will work if you do not have an agreement on the separate ownership of property and your spouse has something to lose. Having drunk the cup of his humiliations and fears to the bottom, coldly throw at last what you think to forgive the villain or not.

In the case when a man is not very worried about his financial situation, use another vulnerable spot, for example, a feeling of ownership towards you, or, more simply, his jealousy. Many men are paradoxical in their judgments about family fidelity and in all seriousness believe that a husband can be cheated on, but a wife cannot. Dissuade him of this, making the most of your efforts! Of course, in this situation, it's up to you to decide how far you will go in your revenge, whether you limit yourself to flirting in front of your husband or really cheat on him.

By the way, another paradox: in our society, a woman who cheated on her husband is considered more guilty than an unfaithful spouse. But if you are not very interested in public opinion, then why not teach a womanizer a lesson in this way ?! Only when choosing a candidate for treason, do not get confused even more in your problems, discuss with him in advance all the terms of your "deal".

If, because of your husband's betrayal, you want to go all out, for example, get a good drink, etc., be prepared for the fact that a drunk wife, most likely, will cause your husband not to feel guilt and disappointment, but to disgust and aggression. Therefore, you should not surrender to emotions and commit crazy actions, so that in the end you do not suffer even more.

Cheating on her husband pushes many women to start a different life: throw off the housewife's robe, do something interesting for themselves, find new friends, visit a beauty salon, gym, fashion boutique, etc. Seeing that you have not broken from his betrayal, but, on the contrary, have healed a more fulfilling and interesting life, your husband will most likely stop looking for new impressions on the side. Well, and you, in turn, try to be not a boring “read book”, but a multivolume fascinating “bestseller” with many unpredictable plot lines and surprises, from which “reading” you can never tear yourself away!
