You were so happy together, you had a great family. But something changed abruptly, everything began to fall out of hand, smiles were replaced by bitterness and tears, love began to melt before our eyes. Your husband chose another woman. Now he spends evenings with her, hugs her, whispers tender words to her. But he doesn't leave you either. At home he is kept by home comfort, children, his wife, to whom he is still attached. How to live in this situation?

Step 1
So now you know that your husband has another woman. The first thing to do is pull yourself together and try to calm down a little. Save your nerves. Start analyzing the situation. If you do not have children in common, drive him out of the house, let him live as he wants, just do not torment you. If you have children, you have to think about them first. They need a father, so you need to try to piece your family together and make it one piece.
Step 2
If you find the strength to continue living with this person, you have two options. You can just become roommates. In this case, do not cook for him, do not wash, do not pay any attention to him. The second way is to try to return the husband's love and eliminate the competitor. If you choose the second option, you will have to "sweat".
Step 3
Be decisive. You will have a difficult battle for your man. Start with the simplest. Realize for yourself or ask him what exactly went wrong. What did he not like about you? If it turns out that he just wanted something new, try changing your style. Change your hairstyle, become more mysterious. Get his attention to you.
Step 4
Take care of your figure. Very often, men begin to look for a woman on the side due to the fact that the wife's figure has changed for the worse. Go on a diet, exercise. Keep track of your manicure, makeup and wardrobe. You should resemble the cover girl.
Step 5
Make it clear to your husband that you have fans. New and beautiful you are now not only like him. Make him jealous, but do not cheat on him so that he cannot accuse you of anything. Flirt in front of him with attractive men. Always be the center of attention among your mutual acquaintances.
Step 6
Become a wonderful hostess. Keep your home clean. Let him come home from work and know that a delicious warm dinner and a beautiful, well-groomed wife await him at home. Meet him not in a dressing gown and slippers, but in sexy lingerie. To such a woman, he will fly from work as fast as he can, he will no longer want to go to his mistress.
Step 7
Try to be a successful woman. Start building your career. Prove to the cheater that you are a confident, attractive, and financially independent woman. Think about your pride. Behave as you did years ago, when he first met you and fell head over heels in love. Believe in your family, in a happy future, and all your misfortunes will be far behind.