Statistics say that in about half of the relationship, one of the two cheats on their half. However, going to the side is one thing, but married life is most important. And many try, and even cope with the betrayal of their spouse and continue to live together.

Step 1
Don't look for the root cause of your husband's betrayal. Most often, it is almost impossible to understand this, there is practically no rational link in the act. You will only fray your nerves and shake the bonds of marriage even more.
Step 2
What if someone cheated on you? First of all, do not lose your dignity. Ask your spouse how he is going to rebuild the wasted trust. Indeed, in the first place in a relationship is trust in marriage, all other postulates are based on it. It is necessary to restore the lost trust, and only after that move on, keep the marriage.
Step 3
How to forgive treason? You need to stop sitting in one place and think that time will heal your soul. If you want to save your marriage, you need to work hard on it. One of the best solutions is to visit a family counselor. It is often practiced that spouses start sleeping temporarily in different beds and rooms, which is currently a positive decision.
Step 4
How to forgive a husband? Decide for yourself that this person is still important to you? Even if feelings for your spouse still remain, then you will need time to get over the situation in your soul. After a while, if you both correct the mistakes of marriage, you will understand that you are ready to forgive your husband's betrayal. After the betrayal, the husband, if he loves you, will understand what he has done and will try with all his might to fix everything.