Most often, the cause of female infidelity is the men themselves. If the husband does not pay due attention to his wife, if he has long ceased to notice a woman in her, or if he himself has already made a girlfriend on the side, his wife begins to seek consolation on the shoulder of another man.

Step 1
In order not to provoke adultery on the part of your beloved, having learned about this, a man must decide for himself how to live on. If this fate befell you, do not rush to immediately rush to extremes. If you pounce on your wife with interrogations and threats, most likely nothing good will come of it. She will either continue to lie, or pack a suitcase and go to her lover.
Step 2
First, take a look at yourself and decide if you want to continue living with this woman. Try to find the true reason for these cheating. Think about what exactly you did wrong. You must find out what your woman lacked and why she decided to cheat. If you want to improve relations with your wife and put an end to her relationship with her lover, do it gradually and imperceptibly. You should not open all the cards and say that you know everything.
Step 3
Give your wife the care and attention she needs. Offer her a joint vacation somewhere far away, in a cozy place where she will forget about her connection with another man. Understand that if you can give your wife everything she needs emotionally, she simply will not have the need and desire to go to the side. Become a romantic again. You can invite your darling out on dates, as you did once upon a time, start caring for her again, as in your youth, buy gifts and make surprises. The fair sex appreciate the care and warmth and are ready to reciprocate.
Step 4
If your self-esteem is hurt too much and you just do not find the reasons why your woman needed another man, you can tell her what you know about betrayal. If you have always been an exemplary family man, did not go to the side and carried your wife in your arms, but she began to cheat on you, you can safely file for divorce. Most likely, this woman simply does not love you and never loved you, otherwise she would appreciate your actions and attention and would not dare to commit such a low and vile deed.
Step 5
Always remember that the fairer sex is unfaithful to their husbands only in two cases: from despair or from dislike.
In the first case, it is completely your fault, so it is up to you to decide whether you need to save the relationship. In the second case, there are no right and no guilty, you just are not on the way with this woman, sooner or later the time will come to leave, so it will be better to take this decisive step as soon as you find out that your wife is cheating on you, not loving. So you will have a better chance of leaving with your head held high and finding your real soul mate in this world.