Cheating, of course, causes great pain, but some people, trying by any means to preserve their relationship, are ready to close their eyes even to such betrayal as adultery.

Why do people turn a blind eye to treason?
When a family has been married for a long time, people begin to gradually cool down towards each other. Their relationship ceases to be filled with awe and love, and habit replaces passion. Sometimes people keep marriage even when they have no feelings for their soulmates. It's just that it is convenient for them to be together, since everyday relations are established between them, everyone knows their duties and unquestioningly fulfills them. In addition, the family probably already has children who need both mom and dad. Therefore, when one of the spouses goes to treason, the second is ready to close his eyes to it, because, firstly, he does not care, and secondly, he simply does not dare to ruin a family in which everything is stable.
Is it possible to close our eyes to treason?
If you find out that your significant other has betrayed you, completely regardless of whether you want to restore peace in the family or are ready to destroy everything and put an end to it, in no case should you close your eyes to betrayal. The fact is that your willingness to part with the person who betrayed you initially excludes the possibility that you will close your eyes to treason. But in the event that you by hook or by crook try to save your family, most likely you will decide to close your eyes to treason and not tell your soulmate that you know everything.
This behavior is categorically unacceptable. Imagine that your spouse cheated on you, you pretended to know nothing. A person, believing that there is no threat, continues to consistently perform such actions. He understands that since you remain in the dark, you will not make any claims, and, therefore, nothing threatens your relationship and your marriage. By closing your eyes to cheating, you will not only not save your family, but also put it in even greater threat, because in the future your significant other may be more seriously carried away by the person who has become her new sexual partner.
If you decide that you will forgive the betrayal, be sure to tell your wife or husband what you know about her. You must make it clear that such behavior in your relationship is unacceptable, otherwise you risk losing your love forever. Discuss with your significant other the reasons for betrayal and ways to solve the problem, for sure together you will be able to restore harmony, establish connection, return understanding, respect and love between you.