A child is born in a young family - this is great happiness and great responsibility. But all these troubles, worries and difficulties can cause discord in the relationship of the spouses. It is not easy for both mom and dad of a newborn. Fathers often start to disappear at work so as not to be involved in this fuss with a crying baby at home.

Step 1
Newly made mothers often make the following claims to their husbands: “You don’t help me at all, I’m spinning with my child all the time, I don’t sleep at night!”. And the husband, in order not to listen to reproaches, sits with friends with a glass of beer in a bar. He does not even know how to help his wife, how to approach a small but so demanding creature.
Step 2
The situation may be aggravated by the presence of the spouses' parents. Often they provide effective assistance in caring for a child, both moral and physical. But it often happens that the elders only inflate the conflict and get in the way. A young wife should take control of the situation as early as possible so as not to destroy her family.
Step 3
Objectively evaluate the help you receive from your baby's grandparents. See if there is an opportunity to do all the main work for you and your husband. Entrust your parents with a feasible and not very burdensome task for them. For example, grandmothers might wash baby's clothes together and bring them clean and ironed to you. Grandfathers can handle walking with the baby or delivering groceries.
Step 4
You will have enough time free, which you will happily devote to yourself and your offended spouse. Gradually teach him to take care of the child. Make a bath for the baby and ask the young dad to bathe him. The husband can put the child to bed, feed him from a bottle.
Step 5
In no case do not scold him if something did not work out. The spouse will learn to communicate with the baby, because if this is accompanied only by joy and cheerful laughter, he himself will strive for these games.
Step 6
Of course, as a wise wife, you need to consider your husband's work schedule. He must rest well so as not to sleep in the office, risking the wrath of his superiors.
Step 7
Once a week, ask your parents to be with your child so that you and your spouse will be distracted from worries and worries somewhere in a cozy cafe or club. Go to the movies together, take a walk in the park, meet friends. In this case, your husband and the baby's father will return to the family and will feel loved, needed and happy.