How To End Disputes

How To End Disputes
How To End Disputes

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Sometimes there is such a situation when disputes occur in the house every now and then. Both the husband and wife and the spouses' parents and other relatives who live or are often visiting can argue. Often, disputes develop into quarrels and resentments, and this is already fraught with a serious deterioration in intra-family relations. How to behave so that the disputes finally end?

How to end disputes
How to end disputes


family psychologist


Step 1

Analyze who in the family most often starts arguments. According to psychologists, some people tend to do this, regardless of what their actual opinion is. For example, a husband proposes to spend a vacation abroad, and his wife immediately begins to describe the advantages of vacationing at Russian resorts. However, if the husband offered to go to Sochi, his wife would have begun to persuade him to go to Turkey with the same zeal. Despite the fact that this behavior is inappropriate, it is quite common.

If this situation occurs in your family, you need to be a little cunning. Do not express your real opinion to the disputant; on the contrary, let him know that you are leaning towards the opposite option. When a person begins to challenge your point of view, you just have to agree with him, and in the end you will achieve what you wanted.

Step 2

To end a dispute that has already begun, stop adding fuel to the fire, that is, just be silent. Remember that at some stage, reasonable arguments cease to be perceived as arguing and all that remains is the desire to win in a verbal duel.

At the same time, you are not obliged to give up your point of view: do it your own way, without proving anything to anyone.

Step 3

To prevent disputes in the family, introduce the following rule: everyone at home can speak and participate in the discussion, but the decision is made by someone alone. In other words, you need to determine the head of the family, whose authority is indisputable. For those family members who forget about this rule, come up with a comic punishment, for example, this person throws trash out of the bin all week.

Step 4

In difficult situations, seek advice from a family psychologist who will orient household members not to defend their own opinions, but to search for a compromise that will more or less suit everyone.
