The process of destruction of family values, caused by the departure from the traditional way of life, the processes of liberalization and feminization of society, is clearly illustrated by the statistics of divorce. According to the Goskomstat of Russia, in 2013, 667,971 certificates of divorce were issued, and they were contracted 1,225,501 times. The ratio, frankly, is not the most joyful - more than half of the families are falling apart. For what reasons are divorced most often in Russia?

Departure from tradition
If you look at regional statistics, the last places in terms of divorce are the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District, especially Dagestan, Ingushetia and Chechnya, where there are only 18 divorces per 100 marriages, while on average in Russia there are 54 divorces per 100 marriages. … These are territories where the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting them and the influence of religion are strong. Hence, we can conclude that the main reason for divorce in our country is a departure from traditions and discrediting the family institution.
Survey results
The initiator of divorce is most often a woman, since the level of her satisfaction with marriage is lower than that of men - 4, 37 points against 4, 15 out of 5 possible. The main problems that become insurmountable are material insecurity, lack of housing, partner abuse of alcohol or psychotropic substances. Until 2007, the latter was the reason for divorce in 51% of cases. The survey was conducted among 1,600 respondents in 153 regions of the Russian Federation.
Currently, the situation has changed slightly. According to polls conducted by VTsIOM, in 40% of cases, the reason for divorce is the couple's unpreparedness for a serious relationship - the decision to register a marriage was made either under pressure from external circumstances, or under the influence of relatives, or because of a fleeting hobby. In 19% of cases, the reason was the spouse's betrayal, in 12 out of a hundred - because of incompatibility of interests, in 7 - because of the infantilism of one of the partners, and the same amount because of alcoholism or drug addiction.
Standard of living
Oddly enough, but in years when the economy is stable or going up, people get married less often, but divorce more. When the state is in a fever, people are not up to solving family problems. On the contrary, people are well aware that together it is easier to survive in turbulent times. It turns out that the higher the standard of living of the population, the higher the number of officially unregistered marriages and the less often people get married.