How To Explain To A Child What Justice Is

How To Explain To A Child What Justice Is
How To Explain To A Child What Justice Is

Equity is often directly related to the violation of rights. With the demand for justice, they apply to the higher authorities in order to resolve the disputable situation in a legal way. The sense of justice in children is better developed, and often they intuitively understand the justice or injustice of their actions.

How to explain to a child what justice is
How to explain to a child what justice is

Very often, the child painfully perceives situations in which someone was offended or cheated, they try to correct the situation on their own, to console a friend. American psychologists believe that this is due to the fact that children understand any injustice emotionally, and not rationally. Their instincts tell them that the pursuit of equality, the need to share, is the key to the survival of all.

Teaching a child about justice, kindness, and compassion is best done by example. While with him, do some good deed: give alms, help an old woman, feed a stray dog. The kid will definitely take an example from his parents, he will understand that this is necessary. He will not think whether it is profitable to do so or not. Just follow suit.

Seeing a stray cat or dog on the street, do not seek to protect your child from communicating with them. Better discuss their fate with him. Tell that the pussy or dog has been offended by someone, that they have lost their home and owners, that they have no one to help. Explain to the baby that instead of stroking the animal, it is better to feed it. Then bring out some milk or bread together and treat the cat or dog. Such a lesson will show the child if it is explained to him that it is fair to share with the needy what he needs.

Having bought a new toy for the baby, create the conditions for him so that he can play enough with her alone for the first time. After a couple of days, she will get bored and you can take her outside or take her with you to kindergarten. Then the baby will no longer be sorry to let her friend play.

Do not scold your child in front of other children or their parents. From the point of view of the baby, his parents should always and in everything support him. And if he is wrong, it would be unfair to reproach him in the presence of strangers. During fights between children, try to judge them by listening carefully to each and making a decision that would distract everyone from the cause of the conflict.

Read more fairy tales, poems and stories in which heroes do good deeds. Discuss with him why this or that boy or girl did this or that. Is this fair? Give the child the opportunity to judge the heroes of the fairy tale himself and draw conclusions.

As psychologists have found out, justice in the understanding of a child is equated with the concept of equality. This is expressed in resentment that the baby does not have the same toy as someone else, because others are allowed more than him. It is better to explain the situation with an example. For example, one of his friends is forced to wear glasses. And this has to be done due to poor eyesight. But this does not mean that other children should also wear glasses just because the neighbor wears them.

Explain that justice is that everyone is different. Children have different abilities and physical capabilities, different needs. If a neighboring child was bought a radio-controlled car, then they recently bought another gift for him. That if the parents force the baby to go to bed earlier than his older friends, then this is necessary for his good rest. That if one can run fast and climb well, then the other can draw well, for example.

Explain to your child that you can achieve a lot on your own. For example, if you run a lot and climb more often, you can become faster and more agile than anyone else. Promise that if he behaves roughly, they will buy him the same toy as the other.

Feel free to share that different parents have different family situations. If the parents gave a neighbor an expensive computer, but he did not. Point out to him that he has many things that are dear to him. Let him talk about which of his things he values more than anything else and why.
