A child is born with marigolds, but many mothers do not even imagine that nails on small fingers can be so long. Young parents will have to do their baby a manicure from the first days. If you do not trim the marigolds, the newborn can scratch his face, and you will get the nuts. Marigolds grow in kids very quickly and they will have to be cut every 4-5 days.

individual nail scissors with rounded ends or tweezers, alcohol, brilliant green, bandage
Step 1
Purchase special round-tipped scissors or tweezers from your local drugstore or newborn store. It is advisable that they are not used by other family members. After purchase, you need to sterilize the scissors - dip the blades in boiling water for a few minutes or wipe them with rubbing alcohol.
Step 2
Prepare yourself - wash your hands with soap and calmly proceed with the procedure. Do not worry too much, otherwise your anxiety will be passed on to the baby or it will scare him so much that he will be afraid of subsequent haircuts. For the first time, you can trim your baby's nails when he sleeps. This will give you time to carefully examine each finger and overcome your fear.
Step 3
Trim the nails on the arms of the child in a rounded, and on the legs in a straight line. Do not cut very close to the skin. Just move the pad of your finger away from the marigold so as not to accidentally injure the delicate skin.
Step 4
If it so happens that you hurt your baby's finger, press a sterile bandage to the wound for a couple of minutes to stop the blood. Treat the wound with brilliant green or a solution of potassium permanganate.
Step 5
When you nail an awake toddler, try to distract him with something. A book, a cartoon, dad jumping around - anything to keep the kid from spinning. Even if you did not manage to process all the marigolds, and the child is tired, you can always return to the procedure a little later.