The defeat of the nails by fungi, which in medical practice is called onychomycosis, is a fairly common disease, and in all countries of the world. Nails are affected by various fungal parasites, and this can happen, under certain conditions, to everyone. It is especially unpleasant when the fungus "picks up" a child.

Step 1
If you notice any changes in your child's nails - spots, stripes, thickenings, cracks - try not to delay the visit to a mycologist and pediatrician. After all, the matter is not as trivial as you might think. If it is a fungus, then you can start it and treat it later for many months, and if the child simply does not have enough vitamins, then you will know for sure that you need to give vitamins, and not lubricate your nails with anything.
Step 2
To cure a fungus, you have to do three things. First, you need to eliminate factors that may contribute to the appearance of the fungus. So, if the fungus got into the slippers, then it is better to throw them away, disinfect other shoes, clean them and do a thorough cleaning in the apartment. The second direction is the use of ointments that stop inflammation around the nail; the third - the appropriate antifungal drugs local (i.e. directly on the nail) and systemic (ingestion) action. There are a lot of creams, ointments and sprays that treat nails from fungal diseases. But, again, do not try to buy everything before you find out the type of fungus and its sensitivity to various medications.
Step 3
If you nevertheless decide to turn to traditional medicine, you can try these recipes: Grate (or crush) the garlic and mix it with butter (1: 1), and then lubricate the nail with this mixture. Dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a liter water and immerse the child's nails in this solution in the evenings for about 15 minutes for about 10 days. Collect the apricot resin and pour a glass of vodka; place it in a dark place for three days. The affected nails must be well lubricated with the mixture every evening for a month. Cut your nails as they grow back. Instead of apricot gum, you can use old unrefined sunflower oil. Take a small piece of kombucha, apply it to a sore nail overnight, bandage your finger. In the morning, cut off the softened piece of the nail. Do this until it is completely cured. Nail fungus is also suggested to be treated with an ordinary coffee solution: pour 50 g of coffee into a bowl and pour hot water into it. Dip your fingers or toes in there. Healers promise the disappearance of the fungus after three treatments.