To inject a child, it is not enough just to have a good command of the injection technique. In addition to knowledge of technology, knowledge of child psychology is required. After all, children are the category of patients who are the most vulnerable and defenseless, who require special attention and participation. It also takes strong nerves to withstand the tears of children that often accompany the procedure.

Step 1
Observance of a certain sequence of actions when giving an injection to a child will be useful for both a layman and a medical worker: To give injections to children, arrange an office or other place where the injection is given in an interesting and original way. Use bright posters, arrange beautiful toys.
Step 2
Talk to your child about abstract topics first. Engage your child in dialogue with you. This is necessary in order to weaken the vigilance of the little person and distract him from unpleasant thoughts about the upcoming injection. And no matter how old the child is, even babies react to kind words and a gentle voice.
Step 3
Give your child an item that will interest him for a while. It can be an unusual toy, a book, or a medical syringe without a needle. Play a cartoon or children's show, if possible.
Step 4
Then act quickly and clearly. Prepare the medication syringe. Lubricate the injection site with rubbing alcohol or a skin antiseptic solution. Inject. Continue to distract your child by talking while giving the medication. If giving an injection to a very young child, use loud and harsh sounds in order to distract the child. To give injections to children, be sure to enter their position and remember yourself in a similar situation in childhood.
Step 5
After the procedure is complete, praise the child, regardless of his reaction to the injection. Tell me what a fine fellow he is, what a brave and strong child he is, that he is not at all afraid of injections and that he withstood this injection perfectly. Praise even if the child cried and was afraid.
Step 6
Finally, focus on the fact that the injection was not painful at all and the next time you do not need to be afraid of it. If the baby is crying, do it after he calms down. Get your child to answer in the affirmative that they are not really in pain.