Superstitions During Pregnancy

Superstitions During Pregnancy
Superstitions During Pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth remain a mystery, despite how far medicine has gone. Even the most morally strong woman, who does not believe in anything but her own strength, believes in all kinds of things during pregnancy. Does folk wisdom make sense? Should you listen to them?

Superstitions during pregnancy
Superstitions during pregnancy

1. When a woman finds out about her pregnancy, she plunges into thoughts - whether to inform the whole world about this great event. It is believed that evil spirits can prevent a child from developing in the mother's body.

2. Let us only remember that in Russia, when the expectant mother's tummy was already becoming noticeable to those around her and there was nothing to hide it, the girl was wearing her husband's clothes.

In Africa, women depict protective talismans, in other words, amulets. If you think about it, it is quite possible to grasp the meaning. It is in the first three months that pregnant women are most susceptible to miscarriage, so you should not injure their psyche.

3. Another superstition says that pregnant women should not sew. They say that in this way the mother will sew the way for the child to this light. You can't even swear to others while pregnant - there will be a birthmark.

4. You can also hear that the expectant mother is forbidden to look at ugly animals, people - the baby will be ugly.

5. Hair is a separate, sometimes sore subject for those who are going to give birth. You can't cut them - there will be no happiness, as they say.

6. It is impossible to buy clothes, bedding for a child ahead of time, they are intended for a completely different child.

7. With the following belief, many will agree - pregnant women should refuse to take a hot bath - the baby will be premature. It is true, hot water can plan premature birth, but no one has forbidden a warm bath.

8. Do not deny a pregnant woman food - difficult labor is coming. After all, subconsciously, every woman chooses exactly the food that the baby needs during pregnancy.

9. "Do not knit things - the child will get entangled in the umbilical cord!" Naturally, with sedentary work, the blood circulation of the pelvic organs worsens. If you want to knit - knit. But do not forget about the sense of proportion. Take a walk, walk around, do something else for a while and return to your favorite business.

10. And how many times can you hear “Don't eat red! The child will be the same! Here we can say that it is better to limit yourself to the use of exotic fruits, as this really increases the likelihood of causing allergies in the child. And since the highest degree of allergenicity is in red fruits, folk wisdom makes sense.
